time for fiction once more. This fiction is about your characters daily duty's. It should be in first person so that I get the feel of your character and what they go though each day in Odar-Urr. This will be for any one in the house to compete in.
it should be no more then 5 pages please. This should have the feel of a diary entry. It should show me about the character and how they see things. If you need help with this please see me and I will help. Please make sure to check it for spelling and grammar. I will not dock you for a few miss spells or bad grammar but I want to be able to read the story without to much trouble. Having some one else read your story before turning it in is always a good idea for you might miss something.
All entries should be sent the tracker and my self at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please put on your entry your doss number and character Name. It should also be in your email.
Word, Note Pad or any writing program that I can open
1st place
Fang Ao Tian