With the order given by Bloodfyre, you join with the military units from all across Tarentum's Domain sent to Yridia IX to begin the First Siege of Eden. Pitted against the forces of the various Syndicates from all across the expanses of Eden City, you battle alongside other members of Tarentum right on the outskirts of the City. After a fierce firefight and a detail of your powers a section of the ground gives way after a powerful bomb is launched from the city, and you fall into a pit below with an enemy just as equally skilled and cunning as you, though not force-sensitive, but powerfully skilled with a cortosis blade sword and anti-force defenses. Battle this enemy and find escape and return to the battle above before the pit becomes your grave as additional sections collapse inside as your battle ensues. At the pinnacle of the battle, a cortosis armored Rancor is released from the city and unleashed against the forces of Tarentum.
Any Typing Program. .RTF or .DOC format
3 Pages Minimum, 15 Maximum. 12 Point, Times New Roman. Any writing engine is allowed, preferred to be .doc or .rtf formatting. Will be graded on Creativity, Attention to Detail, Story Weaving, Battle Details, Unique Battle Situations, and the ultimate ending; resulting in a win or loss.
4th or 5th level crescents based on participation.
1st place
Archean Bloodfyre Tarentae
2nd place
Archean Bloodfyre Tarentae