Word has escaped from Tarentum Command of a possible traitor within the Leadership Ranks, who could have caused the massive failure in the First Siege of Eden City.
Though Command knows roughly who it is, a tactical advisor secretly released bits of information relating to who it might be. Under his advice, you are to investigate who this traitor may be; and once found out, find them. Even if it means going into Eden City covertly to do so.
Traitor Information
Was once an Officer in the New Republic Military
Supossedly ordered the deaths of several Dark Brotherhood members during his/her time in the Military.
A strong ally of the Grand Master, Muz Ashen, and a member of his Royal Guard.
Was formerly a Jedi Knight.
Is a Master in the Echani Arts.
Has held numerous Leadership Positions within Tarentum; serving at the highest as Aedile.
Has killed innocent people to further himself/herself in darkness. (Evidence exists somewhere on the Tarentum Forums.)
You may also ask leaders within Tarentum for assistance with this event, however they are restricted from giving away who it is. They can only point you in a possible direction.
Any Writing Platform
12pt Times New Roman, .doc or .rtf formatting.
4th or 5th level crescents based on participation.
Nobody has participated in this competition.