Competition: Infiltrating Tonberry

Infiltrating Tonberry


Shortly after the battle began, you barely managed to squeeze your fighter into the interior range of the Hapan Battle Cruiser - "Tonberry" just before their shields were raised. As you tried to escape, one of the two tractor beams on board grabbed your ship and dragged it to the hangar bay where a small group of Syndicate Mercenaries await.

You must battle your way out of the Hangar Bay, and try to find a way to disable or destroy the Tonberry before it can inflict too much damage on Tarentum's Fleet. Of course, destroying it could also mean your own death to escape, you must bring down both shields and disable both tractor beams.

This will not be an easy mission. The stakes are high. But your a member of Tarentum. You could care less. This is what makes you smile and go ballistic.

Survival or Death does not matter with this event, as this event is graded on the following criteria.

Drama, Action, Detail, Difficulty, Ending (Survival or Death), Ending Result.


Any Writing Platform


12pt Times New Roman, 3 pages minimum, 10 maximum. .doc or .rtf formatting.


4th or 5th level crescents based on participation.

Competition Information
Organized by
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
Running time
2011-06-26 until 2011-07-03 (8 days)
Target Unit
Clan Tarentum
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.