Berm Garata, a Mandalorian mercenary that has been lingering in Jusadih space, has recently been picking off supply shipments to Sigil 2 installations. His motives are unknown; what is known is that, in his heavily-modified Pursuer-class enforcement ship, he has been easily able to counter the hired defenses and stop our ships dead in space. The vessel comes heavily armed and outfitted with only the finest in smaller-vessel shielding and sensor equipment. It is fast and deadly, and combined with his armor and cranial implants, it makes him nigh-unmatchable for our forces.
Naturally, we're going after him.
This is a starfighter-based mission being undertaken in concert with the INT Atrum Pars II, our Interdictor cruiser. The Pars will keep him from escaping unless he gets too far away from its gravity well; it is up to us, in the cockpit of the TIE Avengers of Verdict Squadron, to face off against his enhanced sensors and abilities with our own Force-boosted senses.
Pilots should be warned that, even if his vessel goes down, Garata is known to wear a space-capable suit of Beskar'Gam equipped with a jetpack. It is rumored to be partially made of actual Beskar, and is equipped with weaponry, sensors, and a thruster of its own to make him deadly enough to engage a Force user in single or space combat. Do not mistake a destroyed ship for a dead man; I want him captured or killed beyond any doubt.
Fiction, 2 page minimum, to be written in space depicting our starfighter battle. Berm's fate is up to the winning writer. Times New Roman 12 Point Font, saved in .rtf, must have a title.
Fiction as specified above.
To be submitted to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
5th-Level Crescents to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Nobody has participated in this competition.