We're taking a small detour this month, in preparation for the Great Jedi War; your Summit is putting their money where their mouth is and making the Doom Train personal.
Keeping with our existing framework, the top three members who can top our most active member of the summit will receive nice shinies for their hard work.
A slight change has been made to appeal to our gamers and for people to take part in the ACC. Please remember to CC your Summit on all of your participation or you won't be rewarded for your work.
Details on points to follow:
ACC: Win = 6 points; Loss = 4 points
Shadow Academy: Course 100% = 5 points Course 85-99% = 3 points Course <85% = 1 points Mavens = 5 points Savants = 7 points
Gaming: Win = 6 points; Loss = 4 point
Competitions: Comps placing = 5 points Comps Participating = 3 points Running a comp = 1 points
Run-On: Making a Run-On Post: 2 points
All Supported Brotherhood Platforms
Please remember to CC your Summit on all your activity: Methyas, Lynyrd, Mirado, Teu and Roxas for the Regulators.
Third-level Crescents
1st place
Creon Neverse
2nd place
A deleted dossier
3rd place
Samantha Oblivion