Joran, moon to Sigil 2. Vongformed during the Yuuzhan Vong Incursion into the Jusadih System, the Vong used resources from offworld such as water and oxygen combined with aggressive life to turn it from a ball of rock into a thriving colony to grow their ships on. Unfortunately, there aren't enough resources and the risk is too high for machine-dependent Jusadih to utilize this moon as an outpost. Our equipment doesn't run on rock, flora, and fauna, so it's essentially a waste of time and resources to set up shop here.
Smugglers, criminals, and other squatters who intend to hide and then leave quickly don't share this opinion. That's a problem, given the fact that we can't even track each other on Joran right now.
Since the Taking of Si'Tilk, this moon has been swept free of Vong survivors; their derelict ships were either put to the torch or stand as half-finished landmarks.
Because of the topography, the humid atmosphere, and many other factors, communications on Joran are a nightmare; to that end, on the highest peak we could find, we want to establish a comm's tower. Furthermore, we need to protect it from very aggressive, feral war biots and anyone who thinks that Joran should stay untraceable.
Given the challenges in landing soldiers dependent on communications, sensors, and delicate equipment to get the job done, the Summit has decided that the obvious choice is the best one: Deploy a Dark Jedi.
Guess what? You'd better pack your jungle attire, Plagueian. It's your lucky day.
Describe the experiences you have on Joran, as the construction crew races to assemble and activate an automated radio tower. You will be set upon by violent, biologically-altered, wild creatures. You will likely face angry smugglers, well-armed bounty hunters, or organized mercenaries, right up to possible rogue Mandalorians. It will not be easy; if it was, the troops could have done it.
Two page minimum, Times New Roman, 12 Point Font. Must include a title that is NOT the competition name. Entries not saved in .rtf will not be counted. Special favor given to entries that really convey the harrowing struggle before you.
Fiction as specified above.
Approved by the Plagueian Summit. Send entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
4th-Level Crescents for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Awards decided because of increased difficulty.
Nobody has participated in this competition.