The Yuuhzon Vong have been rebuffed, every sign of their blasphemous existence wiped from the Dajorra system, yet still the effects of their invasion linger. In the wake of Arcona's recovery and reclanning, the summit of House Qel-Droma have made the decision to relocate their headquarters to Port Ol'val. A shadowport on the edges of the Dajorra system, it is a hive of scum and villainy. In recognition of the multifaceted nature of the Dark Jedi in House Qel-Droma, Quaestor Marick Del'Abbot has pledged a large portion of his considerable personal fortune to renovating the asteroid for House use on the condition that the new headquarters be designed by a member of Qel-Droma. This is your task. Before construction can be started, or renderings created, floor plans or blueprints are needed. Please provide these in a timely fashion should you wish your entry to be considered for the new facility. Also know that rewards will be given for the best entries, this to be determined by realism, innovation, and defensibility.
Paint, Photoshop, Pen & Paper & a Digital Camera, however you want to do it.
Nobody has participated in this competition.