Competition: [CNS] {Pandora} Week Two

[CNS] {Pandora} Week Two


Week Two of Naga Sadow's "Closing Pandora's Box" event.

This week will feature the following competitions:

  • Fiction One: ~ You have 123 words to describe one of the people your character encounters during the current Run-on. It has to be exactly 123 words. No more, no less.

  • Fiction Two: ~ Durning your encounter with the pirates on San Korinar you are hit with an experimental weapon, everything goes black. Suddenly you body slams onto the duralsteel floor of a ship. Confused as to how you ended up here you start exploring. The ship seems to belong to a pirate or smuggler by the looks of it. Looking out a small viewport you see a spralling spaceport with at least 2 visible industrial sectors beyond the spaceport. Then something catches your eye of to the right a towering structure that looks abandon and on the verge of collapse. Its the Sadow Palace, your on Sepros but something isn't right. Running to the cockpit you check the date and are shocked at what you see, its almost two years later! What has changed? Did the pirates loose or win? Is the Brotherhood even still around? Is it fragmented or completely destroyed? Where is CNS headquartered? Or are you the last surviving member of Sadow? Are you gonna try to return to your time or rebuild this one?

2 pages minimum. 12pt Font TNR.

  • Multimedia One: ~ By way of Audio, Video, or Graphics, show me how the pirates operate. This could be as simple as a picture of one, a fake news report of what they've done, etc.

  • Multimedia Two: ~ Pirates don't run around the galaxy all plain and boring, they always have some sort of mark to identify themselves and instil fear in everyone before them. You've all been in the field against these monsters, show us their emblem. Using whatever multimedia effects you'd like, let us know what these Pirates use as their emblem.

Remember to send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] for the correct awards and of course recognition for your hard work.


Multiple platforms, see above


Fourth-level Crescents per sub-competition

Competition Information
Organized by
Methyas L'eonheart
Running time
2011-08-16 until 2011-08-29 (14 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
3 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place
Obelisk Adherent John "Dragoon" Witwalker
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place
2nd place
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

2nd place