As you may or may not know, the ACC is attempting to reformat the Live Hall. Currently it is in the secondary stages of testing. This is an 'invitation only' process by which the combatants are selected by Dalthid, solely.
The process has been approved by the CM (with the exception of this comp request), the 2+2 format has been approved by the GM for the awarding of CF's (with the exception of this comp) - now all I need is this and I can move along.
I am requesting this comp for the entirety of November to facilitate the times when combatants can meet for their Real Time battles.
ACCLive! (ACC 2+2 battle format).
If there are any questions that need to be answered before this can be approved, please ask.
KPN Dalthid ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Invited Combatants with valid ACC Character Sheets
CF's per win, and per 3 losses (standard 'gaming night' type set-up)
Nobody has participated in this competition.