Competition: Take the Cruiser!

Take the Cruiser!


all indicating a new cruiser for the republic, carrying an assortment of experimental fighters, will be nearby Brotherhood space soon. Here, the cruiser and its assortment of fighters will be tried out.

It has been decided that this is a direct threat to the DJB fleet, and the brotherhood itself. However, the Master at Arms has decided that this vessel would be a powerful addition to our own fleet. So, instead of destroying it, it will be taken. You have been selected to accompany him on this task. There is only one condition: the Republic must not know we took it.


.rtf, .doc, .docx


If you are sure you can handle the task without the assistance of the MAA, you’re free to go in alone. If you choose to use Korras, there is enough material on my wiki to explain how he will act. If you have any questions about how he would react in a specific situation, feel free to ask. However, controlling him will be entirely up to the writer in this case. Keep in mind, though, I will judge on realism, too. ;)

How it is taken is entirely up to the writer to decide. Political subterfuge, combat, or any other means are open. There is one condition, however: the Republic is not to suspect the Brotherhood has taken it.

Info about the cruiser:

Technical specifications, and an image:

the fighter complement: 3 Squads - StealthX 3 Squads - ChaseX


3rd level crescents, winning fiction gets to be the official history on the Wiki.

Competition Information
Organized by
Darth Aeternus
Running time
2011-08-25 until 2011-09-24 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.