To the winner goes the spoils... this is true in life, and in online Fan Clubs such as the DJB. Stepping into the fictional world once more, depict the following story-line In-Character in a short fiction:
The Dark Council is quick to reward those who have done their bidding. Taldryan has always been in the Iron Thrones graces for many years for doing just that. This time is no exception.
As the war has ended, Taldryan has unfortunatley become a little-light in numbers than what they were, and thus you are ordered to pull your own as part of your House duties. One duty in-particular has been to usher specialized orders from Antei, Lyspair and other important locations to the Taldryan Summit' chambers.
You have recieved one such package from the Grand Master, his gleaming purple emblem of the Lion of Tarthos etched across the surface. Part of your job is to check for any hazardas material... you find yourself abusing your right and you open it.
Describe what is in the package that is from the Grand Master, and what significane it entitles to you and to Taldryan.
Must be 400 words in length.
Any word document.
Will be judged on Creativity and Originality, Grammar and Word Usage as well as Realism.
Attach your PIN number and ID Line on the document itself. Send your entry to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], otherwise it will not be counted if you send it otherwise.
4th level Crescents for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
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