With the Invasion of New Tython over, Plagueis returns to Jusadih to find new troubles have arisen. A group of smugglers that has been in Jusadih for years, the Ensaari Free Traders, have recently been identified by a local merchant as smuggling weapons and medical supplies to the Jusadih Independence Coalition's radicals. The smuggler involved - one unknown to us - must be caught, their cargo confiscated and their ship impounded. As a price of treason, they will be sent for trial, but it is unlikely the Free Traders will let one of their own go down - instead, they will do what they are good at, appear out of nowhere and disappear just as fast.
Design a smuggler for the Ensaari Free Traders using the description criteria on their Wiki page and write a two page minimum fiction on their mission, your capture of them, investigating and seizing their cargo and ship, and how they escape with the help of their Free Trader allies. The smuggler and any allies found on the wiki page MUST SURVIVE - any who are killed should be faceless, unimportant, non-essential members.
This mission is of high priority; thus, only full Dark Jedi Knights and above are allowed, unless accompanied by their Master.
Fiction, 12-Point Font, Times New Roman, Single-Spaced. Title required on all submissions.
Approved by the Quaestor of Plagueis. Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Include your name and the name of the competition in the email subject when submitting.
4th-Level Crescents for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
1st Place will see their created smuggler made a full-time part of the Ensaari Free Traders for use in future PLA events.
Nobody has participated in this competition.