Competition: [PLA] I'm Hanging a Pirate

[PLA] I'm Hanging a Pirate


The vacancy of Plagueian forces during the Invasion of New Tython allowed the Bloodhawk Butchers, a pirate gang that hides in the Rings of Shintera, to fight their way to the top of the piracy game in Jusadih. To deal with them, you have been sent aboard a "wealthy merchant freighter" in their common territory, only to be ambushed by the Bloodhawks.

There, your ship is ambushed by several pirates, alongside one of their infamous boarders - Khana Orishka, a renegade Dark Jedi that betrayed her comrades in the War of Ascension and turned to piracy when the Feudalists lost. Now, against Orishka and her vicious boarders, joined in space by TIE Interceptors and on the ship by a platoon of Plagueian soldiers, you must fight off the group and apprehend or stop the pirates that attack. Be warned: Orishka is vicious, and is prone to escape. If she flees, let her; kill as many pirates as you can, and bring a few back to be made examples of.

Write a two-page minimum fiction about Khana Orishka's attack, alongside many of her pirate allies. The point of the fiction is to write from multiple perspectives; show at least one section each on the space battle, the fight in the freighter, and the public execution of the pirates you capture. Khana Orishka MUST SURVIVE; her comrades are free to die in the bloodiest ways possible. Have fun, and remember, it's good to hang pirates.

This mission is far too lethal for the untrained; thus, only full Dark Jedi Knights and above are allowed, unless accompanied by a Master.


Fiction, 12 Point Font, Times New Roman, Single-Spaced. Title required.


Approved by the Quaestor. Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], include name and competition name in the email subject.


4th-Level Crescents for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place.

Competition Information
Organized by
Liam Torun-Urr
Running time
2011-11-10 until 2011-11-24 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Plagueis
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

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