Competition: A Day of Remembrance

A Day of Remembrance


Despite the horrific death toll, Arcona managed to carry the day and win the war against the Jedi and Mandalorians on New Tython. Wuntila, Arcona's Proconsul, has decreed a day of rememberance for those who fell, Sashar and Zandro notable among them. However, when the Arconans gather to pay homage to their dead, they find that resting peacefully is the last thing that the dead have in mind. Perhaps the Blackwing virus or Project Starscream turn them into zombies, or maybe a powerful artifact summons up their Force Ghosts - and they aren't too happy at having died. Regardless of the mechanism you choose, try to keep it realistic within the Star Wars extended universe. This can be horrifying, or comedic, or anything else you choose.


Any type of fiction or multimedia is acceptable, but keep in mind that we're looking to tell a story here.


I originally wanted to run this for Halloween, but the Great Jedi War (obviously) got in the way.

Competition Information
Organized by
Terran Koul
Running time
2011-11-08 until 2011-11-28 (21 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Jorad Erinos
Jorad Erinos
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place