Competition: [PLA] Dressing a Wound

[PLA] Dressing a Wound


Sigil 2, a planet under quarantine, a world of wastelands and a Vongformed jungle left to its own devices. You are a Journeyman of Plagueis, brought here in an MAAT alongside several peers to brave the jungles with only a small pack of supplies. At the last moment, the Taskmaster has dealt you a painful wound - while not a mortal strike, without proper care it will slow you down and may even fester.

Now, alone, wounded, and without adequate supplies, you compete with your fellow Journeymen and the jungle itself to reach the safety of Fort Ash. How will you survive with only your own meager rations? The key lies in making use of the terrain, making wise decisions, and staying determined.

And, possibly, in making sure one of your peers never makes it home.

Write a one-page fiction about your injured run through the jungles, about what you have to do to survive and how you cope with injury and terror. This is an exercise in descriptive writing; make us see what you see.

This competition is for Plagueian Journeymen only; Equites need not enter.


Fiction, 12 Point Font, Times New Roman, Title Required.


Send all entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Entries must be in the form of email attachments with the subject "Member name - Competition name".

Find the Sigil 2 Wiki article at

Summit approved.

Competition Information
Organized by
Liam Torun-Urr
Running time
2011-12-10 until 2011-12-24 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Plagueis
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.