Competition: [PLA] Forge Under Fire

[PLA] Forge Under Fire


Nintura - a world left toxic and desolate by the Vong Incursion, a planet now used only for factories, mining operations, and waste management purposes. Even in death, the planet serves Plagueis.

Its ash storms and toxic fumes are added to by many facilities, some of which build the weapons of companies like BlasTech or Merr-Sonn through deals with Sistros Corporation. These weapons fuel the supply chain of Plagueis, though many of the factories are operated exclusively by droids and those workers that do exist have to wear safety gear and cycle out to stop toxicity from building up in their systems.

A shuttle originally intended to carry relief workers has entered the atmosphere and landed at Factory Aurek-6, but its crew have revealed themselves; a 36-strong raid force from the Jusadih Independence Coalition splinter group that calls itself Kogron's Raiders.

Utilizing weaponry obtained illegally and fearsome makeshift explosives, they have wiped out or subdued the entirety of the factory's staff and aim to destroy the facility, taking with them any weaponry that their shuttle can carry and any prisoners they have taken.

While Plagueis and the Regime could survive this, it would be the first real blow to our control of the system in months and would weaken investor faith in Jusadih as a secure arms market. You were onboard the Instigator when the distress call came out, returning from a routine trip to Omicron Platform to deliver supplies, when the distress call came out from the facility. Now, with what soldiers you can prepare immediately, you must deploy to the surface, fight back the Raiders, and save our production facility from utter destruction.

Kill those that you must, but try to subdue as many as possible; the underlings will be executed for treason, but the group's ringleaders must be brought to the Summit for a quick trial, internment at Tyr Prison, and summary interrogation. It is high time we found these thorns in our side.

Write a three-page fiction on the Ninturan raid, using how it began, the distress call, and the final fight as focal points. You will need breath masks at the very least, and likely some sort of armor, to handle both the planet and the rebels. Description of Nintura's harsh environment, intensity of action, and description of rebels are all key elements to be observed.

Remember, we don't have a huge force available in time to utterly crush this attack and these rebels have been trained by defected soldiers; they all know what they are doing and have no fear of doing it. The Force and your lightsaber will likely be what turns the tide against these tenacious guerrilla insurgents and wins the day, though it will be a hard and gritty fight.

This mission is far too dangerous for Journeymen to participate, unless accompanied by their Master. Knighted Plagueians only.


Fiction, 12 Point Font, Title Required.


Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], with the email subject "Member Name - Competition Name". Entries not formatted as such will not be counted.

Information on the Jusadih Independence Coalition can be found on the DJBWiki. Use it well, it will impact your submission's success.

Competition Information
Organized by
Liam Torun-Urr
Running time
2011-12-10 until 2011-12-24 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Plagueis
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.