Sithy Claus is at it again. That crazy old bastard is attempting to infiltrate Taldryan space in order to deliver Sithmas hope and joy to all of our oppressed denizens and Chaos. We cant allow that, now can we? Your mission, should you do what youre bloody well told and accept it, is to take a small patrol of Taldryans fleet, engage, and destroy this monster before he can incite sedition in our minions. Sadly, Claus has developed a new, devastating force technique that intelligence has dubbed Candy Caning, where he hurls space debris at incoming fighter craft. You must develop your own technique to counter this, and lead our forces to victory.
Taldryan Forces: BAC Dark Prophet II Your Choice of 4 of Taldryans Fighter/Bomber Squadrons B/CR Valiant GSP Flamewind GSP Stormwind Sithy Claus Forces: VSD-II Rudolph T/A Dasher T/A Dancer M-CRV Prancer T/I Vixen M-CRV Comet T/F Cupid M-CRV Donner T/B Blitzen
Event Rules: (2 Page Maximum) Design a fun Battleplan how we kill Sithy Claus. Use any combination of forces you want. This isnt going to be about tactics, but how much what you write amuses me. Submit details of your technique to counter Candy Caning (it can be tactical, force technique, anything, just make it funny) as well as your plans for dealing with Sithys forces.
Ship Info Links: Taldryan Squadrons: BAC: B/CR: GSP: VSD-II: M-CRV: T/A: T/I: T/B:
This event will be judged with the following Marking Scheme: 5 Points Humour
Event submissions MUST be sent to 3 Points Candy Caning Technique 2 Points Tactics
All entries for this event MUST be sent to the judge who is running the event, Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and the Taldryan Summit at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Nobody has participated in this competition.