Competition: Alliance of Steel - Fiction Comp (Taldryan and CNS)

Alliance of Steel - Fiction Comp (Taldryan and CNS)


Naga Sadow: It's been discovered that baradium from the Orian system was found in explosives that destroyed a Taldryan transport ship. Write a fiction from your Taldryan counter's perspective on how you uncover the truth about the rogue mercs working for the Blazing Chain leaders and why they would 'frame' Naga Sadow.

Taldryan: Naga Sadow Inspectors have discovered explosives that have Taldryan technology in the detonators and controls in the Orian System. Write a fiction from your Naga Sadow counter's perspective on how you discover the truth about the rogue mercs working for the Blazing Chain leaders and why they would 'frame' Taldryan.

You are to write a fiction from the POV of someone from the other unit (A Tal member writes from a NS perspective and vice versa).

To participate, pair up with someone from the other unit and send an email to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with your names, pin#’s and a short paragraph containing any information on your character's personality that isn’t covered in your wiki or character sheets. One email should be sent with both character’s information.

If you can't find someone to pair up with, contact Macron and Locke if you are in CNS or Sid and Ashia if you are in Tal and we'll help you find someone.


Fictions should be a minimum of 2 pages, 12 pt, TNR, single-spaced. Use Character Sheets and Wiki of the person whose perspective you are writing as well as the paragraph they submitted.


All submissions should be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Target Audience

Taldryan and CNS

Competition Information
Organized by
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Running time
2012-02-01 until 2012-02-14 (14 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.