In the aftermath of the war against Mike Halcyon and the jedi of Odan-Urr, Revan was suddenly disbanded and many of it's members finding new homes around the Dark Brotherhood.
There has been no official reason as to why the House, believed to have been involved in numerous clandestine missions, was suddenly closed. Their last official mission was to make their way behind enemy lines and strike at Odan-Urr from the very heart of their base.
Why did Revan disband and what is the true story behind this enigmatic House?
OOC Using any fictional style that you wish (article, official report, straight fictional story, interviews, etc...) you are to detail what really happened with Revan at the end and why they are no longer a House, fictionally. You may use whatever idea(s) you wish.
All submissions go to directly to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Any writing platform
1st place
Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker
2nd place
Adept Xantros
3rd place
A deleted dossier