The Clansmen of Satal Keto that compete in any of the Brotherhood MP nights, events or tournaments (this includes ACC matches) will be given an extra incentive for their performance. Members of the Clan are aloud to challenge any member of the Brotherhood. Rewards are given on a monthly basis; points are given for each victory.
Point System: XvT/XWA Match; 2 pts Ja/JO/JK Match; 3 pts ACC Match; 5 pts (4/4 match), +1 pt for any addition posts. i.e. 6/6 = 5 pts + 2 pts = 7 total pts
All MP platforms. (JK,XWA,ACC,etc)
All score submissions made at MP events are autoamtically sent to me, but keep a record of matches played in case I don't receive them, or if there is no bot at the event. The judgement e-mail of ACC matches should be forwarded to me if it's going to be counted.
PCON Enahropes Teriad Entar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Awarded Monthly: 1st - Crescent w/ Amethyst Star 2nd - Crescent w/ Sapphire Star 3rd - Crescent w/ Emerald Star
Nobody has participated in this competition.