Your character is standing trial for a crime that they have committed against the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Write a minimum two page fiction about the crime committed, and the trial that follows. Your character may be innocent, or guilty - the choice is yours. If found guilty, the punishment should follow the severity of the crime.
Entries will be graded on realism, writing ability, and overall grammar/spelling.
Microsoft Word/Open Office/Text Editors excluding Notepad
All entires must be submitted with the member's pin number somewhere in the email, as well as somewhere on the competition entry. All entries must be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and will be judged on May 10th. Crescents will be awarded and the next part will be announced. All entries must meet a 2-page/500 word minimum to count.
If you have any questions, see Anubis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Vodo ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
1st place
A deleted dossier