Time to put on your creative-caps and start boogieing! To start this series of events which will take you on a journey to starting your character history (or part), you need to begin thinking of who exactly your character is. You might have a brand new character to start a fresh with or maybe you already have a developed character, but you wish to begin working on a new side of who your character is, this is the perfect place to start, and is only offered in Taldryan.
This series of competitions will stack on one another; so what you put into this competition now will have an impact on your entry to another phase at a later date. So, without further here is the mission for Phase 1: Fill out the following form in it's entirety (copy/paste it into a word .doc or the email itself), start with choosing a word for each category that best describes your character, and then finish by filling out the five - 2 sentence maximum each - questions. The form is as follows (see Platform:)
Enter 5 words that best describe your character for each of the following categories:
1: A word that describes your Character's Personae: 2: A word that describes how other's view your integrity as: 3: A word that describes your Character's mindset: 4: A word that describes your Character's Ethic: 5: A word that describes your Character's Understanding of the Force:
Enter 2 sentences maximum for each question asked. You may have less than 2, if you wish. Q 1: What is your Character's view on the Dark Side of the force? Is it a positive or negative view? Q 2: If your answer to Question 1 is in favor of the Dark Side, then, what was the key deciding factor for your entrance into the Brotherhood and embracing the Dark Side as your ally? If your answer to Question 1 was negative,what was the key deciding factor for your entrance into the Brotherhood and how do you fit in with members who do not share your ideals on the Dark Side? Q 3: What is your Character's connection with the Order you represent? Is it merely a formality, or do you fully embrace what your Order is built upon? Q 4: Is your Character committed to Taldryan? How is your commitment to Taldryan reflected by your Character? Q 5: Do you have a rival? If so, who/what is it?
Be sure to send the entries of this event to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The member with the most unique and well thought out/thought provoking response(s) will earn shinnies! Include your PIN and ID line (found on your Dossier) at the bottom of your email so we might identify who you are. If you do not do either of these steps, your entry will not count.
Remember, it's important to keep in mind that you will be building off of this form for later events, so don't rush it! Enjoy!
1st place
Krath Adherent Aeson Rhys
2nd place
Kaz Raith
3rd place
Dr. Malfrost Xeon