Just as they return to a rendezvous point from their latest violent success, Unus and crew are taken by surprise when Quaestor Tra'an and several armed and deadly forces arrive to arrest them. The group is forced to turn itself in rather than undo all it has done, yet through their testimony will Reith realize what Domus has forged - the Blade of Plagueis.
Write a minimum of 2 pages, Single spacing, 12 point font.
Fiction must be realistic and include the following. Arriving back at the rendezvous point, The surprise attack, and the outcome and the elimination of all corrupted Plagueians. No god moding when writing the fight, stick to your rank and what you are actually able to do. refer to your Character sheet if need be.
Word pad or Notepad only
Summit Approved
1st place
Cartel Dh'than