Contract types will be determined at the will of the commissioner, and will all revolve around an instance or event within the scope of the Operation. Consider them your own personal Flashpoints. To request a competition, email your PCON Marick at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] requesting a competition and he will email you with the link when it's been put up. Participants may only have one contract ongoing at once, and must notify Marick when they have finished it so that he may begin grading.
Reminder of possible grades: [1pt] "Needs Work" (Contract was completed, but was lacking in several areas) [2pt] "Satisfactory" (met all requirements, performed well) [3pt] "Excellent" (Exceeded requirements and went above and beyond) [4pt] âSuperiorâ ( That rare tier of superior writing that leaves the judge in awe and has little to no flaws)
Rewards: The top three participants will earn 3rd level crescents, in addition to 20 points for 1st, 15 points for 2nd, and 10 points for 3rd. Each contract completed will earn the participant 2 points for A-class, 3 points for B-class, 4 points for C-class, and 5 points for S-class. Additionally if the contract is graded as âSuperiorâ, then the participant may earn another point.
Arcona Invicta, boys
1st place
Legorii Arconae
2nd place
3rd place
Magness Dritch