Everyone in the known Galaxy, from the simplest athlete to the most powerful Force user has his/her very own ritual to go through to prepare himself/herself for a significant Event in his life.
With the upcoming Vendetta starting soon itâs up to you to write a fiction (no shorter than 2 Paragraphs) about the rituals your DB-Character goes through to prepare yourself for this Event.
any word processor you are working with.
Please make sure your submission for this Competition reaches Taldryans inbox ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) before August, the 31 st. You should also make sure to include your DB Name and Pin in both, your e-mail and your fiction.
Your fiction should be at least 2 Paragraphs in length with 12pt Standard font in either .doc, .docx. or open office.
Ok so letâs get prepared for the next Vendetta with some awesome fictions! Good Luck everybody.
1st place
Miranda Goto
2nd place
Kaz Raith