They have invaded our realms, stripped from us the Force that is our power. With it now returned, the forces of Arcona and Plagueis turn on the invading forces with newfound strength. The surprised men of Zoraan, now leaderless, fall back. As they do, the members of the Brotherhood take trophies from their foes. Depict in an image of one such trophy. Entries must be at least 800x600.
All submission MUST have your PIN and DB Name on the document or in the email. We cannot afford to spend time sifting through which person's email is which. Resultantly, any entry without any indication as to who you are will not be accepted.
All submission are to be sent to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Please CC the relevant summit members.
Any graphics platforms are accepted.
Clan Arcona and House Plagueis
1st place
Graus Colvin
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
5th place
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla