In the past months agents from the Sith Order have taken control of the House Qel-Droma Summit, filling all key positions. Suspicion runs rampant as Krath and Obelisk Qel-Dromans seek to ensure their previously carefully laid plans for the House's future remain intact. Rumors fly of groups of aspiring Sith who have begun to form their own alliances to enact plans for their own ascension to the House Summit.
How does your character react to this changing climate within House Qel-Droma? Will they place your faith in the current Summit, or perhaps form an alliance with others members of the House to reclaim control of the House for themselves?
There is a minimum of 750 words required, but no maximum. The fiction will be graded based on a rubric that focuses equally on creativity, plot development, realism, and grammar. Submissions are to be emailed to Socorra (Dossier 12648) and Valhavoc (Dossier 8650) no later than 2359 EST on 28Jun2013 (0459 GMT on 29Jun2013).
Word Program
Approved by House Summit
1st place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
2nd place
Nikola Valtiere Erinos