Competition: [IG25] As the light fades from your eyes (Short)

[IG25] As the light fades from your eyes (Short)

Your character has been shot, crushed or in some other way mortally wounded. There is not a doubt in your mind, as you lay there, that you will die shortly. I want you to describe your character and the very last series of thoughts that run through their mind, as the light fades from their eyes forever.

Entries must be at least 250 words, but can be up to 2 pages. The focus should be adequately articulating the subject, rather than length.

Competition Information
Organized by
Etah Obsidyn, Ascendant James Lucius Entar, Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, Master Windos
Running time
2013-04-13 until 2013-04-26 (14 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
18 subscribers, of which 13 have participated.
Legorii Arconae
File submission
1st place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
2nd place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
File submission
Textual submission

Morrighan 8106

3rd place
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr
File submission
4th place
A deleted dossier
File submission
5th place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Textual submission

Manually added by DJM James Lucius Entar Arconae

No placement
Varkain Athanas
File submission
No placement
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
File submission
No placement
Lord Idris Adenn
File submission
No placement
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
File submission
Textual submission

Uhhh just a few bits to keep in mind when reading.

-Nath has a lover not known generally around the DB.

-Ori'vod is older brother in Mando'a.

- Nath's mother's soul resides in her body.

-She has nightmares every night which ends with her death.

-The only way she knows of to bring her mother in control of her body is to die and has allowed others to kill and then revive her.

I believe without knowing this my story doesn't make a lot of sense xD Hope you enjoy - Nath

No placement
Mayda Ferium
Textual submission

As the Light Fades from Her Eyes

by Mayda Ferium 8430

Mayda collapsed on the cold, hard ground like a rag doll. Body laid distorted, limbs outstretched as her lungs gasped for air, still feeling the grip of the Force from the dark one who controlled it. Every force power she knew had been tried already, yet she did not give up - attempting Force Heal on herself, then a defense. Yet, the throat and lungs stayed crushed and would not obey, betraying their owner. Breathing was automatic, a survival reaction, which let her mind think, remember, dream. She knew this day would come and she had imagined it many times at night, while laying in her bed in the darkness. Now she was in the dark, laying on the ground, but with enough light to see and enough awareness to know: to know this was the end.

Emerald eyes looked out into the dim landscape but only saw visions of the beings she loved, those who mattered the most during her life, desperately trying to hold onto them, trying to reach out to them. Her father, Elric, still bed-ridden in a facility - she could see his fragile body laying in peaceful sleep. Her K5 droids were waiting patiently on their ship, beloved bodyguards and loyal companions. The small body of her Kowakian monkey lizard was jumping around in its rooms, surrounded by her prized flora specimens. The tall form of a Cathar Priest appeared, leading her through the Antei Library. And then a gentle face with dark beard and sad, green eyes filled her area of vision, close enough to touch it, then gradually dissipated as if dust in the wind as the last seconds ticked.

The only consolation for her was the realization that her unborn child would always be with her. Her creation would be spared the cruelty of living in the galaxy and would keep her company on this journey to the beyond, perhaps as spirits of the Force, made one with all living beings. And so they were. The dim light faded to black.

No placement
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Textual submission

Abandoned once again.

The broken Sith warrior laid in a heap. After challenging his former master, he was caught off guard by the structure that was toppled onto him.

Brimstone's fears have come to fruition. The Force had abandoned him.just ad Tarentum and the Chiss Ascendancy had did before. Same as numerous masters have also, like Frosty and Anshar Kahn did.

As blood spewed from his collapsed lungs, and darkness started to shut his eyes, all he could do was curse k'tah at his former mentor and master.

The darkside had abandoned him on this day. The dark Knight would not taste vengeance on this day or any ever.

No placement
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
Textual submission

What had he done?

The words rang in his head, his mind not understanding, agreeing with the course of action the Sith had taken.

Now as his body lay freezing on the snowy plains of some forgotten world, Kalon could feel numbness spread from the wound in his chest. The blood froze upon his sickly blue skin, partially clotting he wound as if nature herself was playing some cruel game regarding false hope.

But the damage had already been done.

He had seen the flash of red in the corner of his eye. He had jumped into the lightsaber, which itself was on a inbound course for the Miraluka Guardian, Atyiru. His mind absent thought as he felt the awesome heat of the weapon pierce his armour, and the body beneath it. She had been dragged away by two masked Arconans, he guessed that she had been screaming, though he could only hear his own rasped breath and the howling wind which threatened to rip flesh from bone.

Was it love, or pity? Atty had always been nice to him, always doing her best to clean up the messes the Sith usually left in his wake. Their relationship had only just begun as well, it was a shame that nothing more long term was going to bloom between the two. It was this realization that filled Kalon with a sharp regret. Not for saving the Guardian’s life, but for falling for her in the first place. It had cost him much more than his life, that was unimportant though, as he was wounded in honourable battle just like any true Mandalorian should.

Kalon did not feel cold now, the senses of touch dulling until he was deprived completely of it. A pained groan escaped his lips as his head tilted to the right, the bodies of various hooded men laying sprawled around him. They had all suffered what the Mandalorian was going through, albeit quicker and much less dramatic.

Again his mind asked him; Why had he saved her?

It had also cost him his rational state of mind. Sith were not known to jump in front of a saber to defend others, even those they held closest to them. It was the desire for power that she had robbed him of, the ravenous hunger that threatened almost every other member of Arcona and the Brotherhood. Atyiru had given him a different desire, one that reminded him much more about his Mandalorian heritage.

“I regret nothing..” rasped Kalon, the numb feeling now reaching his neck.

He could not move at all now, his eyesight turning blurry as he looked back towards the plain white sky above him, a gurgled chuckle emanated inside the Mandalorian as his vision began to fade and with it, so did his life

No placement
Archangel Palpatine
Textual submission

Pin: 7589
IDLine: SBM Archangel (Sith)/P:F-M:HRLD-PROF-FM/Scholae Palatinae [TOR] [GMRG: VII] [ACC: VI]
SB / GC / SC-SoA / AC-ToSL / DC-PP / GN-AgL / SN-AuL / BN-AuL / Cr-6R-21A-16S-20E-9T-10Q / PoB-PL / CF-SpF / CI-GC / DSS-AuL / SI / SoF-BL / LS-PL / SoL-BE / S:-2D-1Dk-7Rm-9P-14U-7B-15De-28Dec-16Aff / LoR


Last Light

The pain slowly melted away as the pool of blood expanded around his body, his muscles ripped asunder. It had been a clean strike, a lightsaber through the chest, but no amount of cauterization could fix a ripped aorta. Breathing came in low and haggard, a trickle of spit and blood dripping from the corner of his lip, staining his bronzed skin.

“What?” his mind asked, as he stared up into the grey-blue of the heavens above. It was a simple question, begging a simple answer. Or perhaps it was rhetorical, simply stating that no amount of explanation could possibly allow the answer to anywhere close to a true and honest reply. Instead, it asks the listener to seek out the answer, to find it within himself, to write the final page of his story.

“Where?” his mind said again, changing direction, but with little more success. ‘Where’ was easy, one would think. On the ground, alone, without a prayer, these were a constant, an easy reply. But where in his life was he? A tired old man, dying in an armchair in retirement? Why not? Why had he not gotten to enjoy the length of his life, to finally be able to put up his lightsaber for good, and enjoy the benefits of a life spent in the service of the Dark Brotherhood? He was nowhere. He was not where he wanted to be.


Ah, yes, the operative question, the one burning a hole in his soul, to match the lightsaber strike in his shoulder. Why was he on his back in the grim and filth on some forgotten rock in the middle of a morass of space known as the Minos Cluster. Coherent thought had become difficult, blood loss and lack of air slowing his reactions, his thought process.


It asked again, but his mind was clouding, darkness encroaching on the corners of his vision. A sputter of blood burst unceremoniously from his lips as he gasped for that final breath. He sighed, eyes slowly dimming as the life faded from them.


No placement