Competition: [IG44] Facing the Mirror (Long)

[IG44] Facing the Mirror (Long)

"You find yourself entering a rather unimpressive chamber. The room is large, the edges of your vision dark as the chamber seems to be lit with illuminated stones embedded within the etched floor before you. Reaching out in the Force you can't tell how large the room is but can tell it is circular in design. All you know for certain is that you were told to come to this chamber to reflect on the recent events of the crusade, in a quest of self-discovery you must face the mirror."

Using the above prompt, you are to write a fiction with your character undertaking the "Trial of the Spirit". Just as the Brotherhood reflected and resolved to free themselves from the Emperor's Hammer, so too must you. As a member of Odan-Urr you may find yourself facing what would have been had you taken a darker path; and for those of you upon a darker path you may find yourself facing what would have been had you joined the Jedi Order (New or Old). This fiction should show the conflict that arises from dealing with this other side, something which may or may not be lurking beneath the surface. For to truly be free, one must be at peace with themselves.

Entries in this event should reach a minimum word count of 850.

Competition Information
Organized by
Methyas L'eonheart, Ascendant James Lucius Entar, Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, Master Windos
Running time
2013-04-13 until 2013-04-26 (14 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
7 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
Textual submission

The only sound in the pitch dark room was Kalon’s light breathing accompanied with the loud echoes of footsteps as he made his way through the vast emptiness. Never had he felt so alone, so isolated, so helpless. Here was one who enjoyed battle in wide open spaces and during the hot of day; not in the obsidian sea during the cold of night.

It was then that Kalon noticed the illuminating stones etched into the floor below him. The light barely made out the chamber around him, of a circular shape. Although he could not grasp how large the room was, visually or with the force.

The Mandalorian could not guess why he was here, he had been ordered to enter this chamber to ponder on recent events during the Dark Crusade...yet...he did not feel mentally exhausted from the engagements of the last few months. Nor had he experienced any odd sensations during his meditations or combat training. Slivers of doubt began to work there way into Kalon’s mind. It was subtle at first but soon rose to a sharp pain in his head as claustrophobia and paranoia set in.

“Hello Kalon.”

The Sith almost jumped, immediately getting a grip on his nerves and steeling himself. He was not alone here, but he could see and sense no one...only himself.

“Who are you?” he asked, not really thinking of anything better to say. The voice sounded familiar, yet it was calm and slow and there was a great hint of confidence and peace; something Kalon had never really known.

“I could ask you the same question, Kalon Dane of Clan Beviin.”

“Arcona” grumbled the Mandalorian, feeling anger build within him upon the realization that the voice was mocking him in a well thought out kind of way.

“Did I hit a nerve? Oh yes, how could I forget? You have forsaken your brothers and sisters, abandoned the Clan of which you have served all your life along with your family, friends and most importantly, yourself.

“That’s not true!” yelled Kalon, his anger getting the better of him as the voice rattled on, and on and on.

The Sith activated his lightsaber, piercing the darkness with the glowing crimson blade and the humm of the activation crystals. His eye’s ( the same colour and brightness of his blade) darted about for signs of company; though he could see nothing, only darkness or the faint walls around the chamber.


The voice rang out once again, louder this time. It was just as if the speaker was standing right next to Kalon, and it freaked the Mandalorian out, even if he did not show it.

“There is a way to bring honour back to yourself, Kalon Dane Beviin. If only you heed my words.”

“What are you talking about?!” growled Kalon, impatience mixing with his anger. The voice was not speaking clear and kept looping into either riddles or half meanings.

It was just then that the Sith noticed a figure take form in front of him. Despite the darkness of the chamber, he could see the appearing man as clearly as if it were in pure daylight. At first, he could clearly see the man was a Jedi, due to the light brown robes he wore and the blue lightsaber activated in his hands.

After the robes had appeared he could notice that the man was the same height and body shape as him. It was when he could could see the long brown hair, hazel eyes and tough features of the Jedi he realized that he was looking at a light side version of himself. Even the body language matched his and their sabers swang in the same way, just as if they were opposite mirror images.

“You’re me..” gasped the Mandalorian. He felt completely confused about what was going on.

“No. I am have not fallen like you have, Kalon Dane. I have embraced the light side of the force and become much more than you ever will.”

The lips of the Jedi Knight were the only part of him that moved of his own accord, and not due to being a mirror image of the Sith Kalon.

“There is still a chance that you can be saved, join the light side and you can return to your Clan, to live out your days with your true brothers and sisters. We both know you have forsaken that Clan for this one, and we both know that staying here will only kill you. There is no power to be found here, only death.”

There was a moment of silence before it was interrupted by Kalon’s deep chuckle. It lasted for several seconds before the Mandalorian decided to say anything.

“You were told a long time ago that a Mandalorian seeks a glorious death in battle. That is what I will get here in Arcona, more so than back home. Yes I may not be with my original battle brothers and battle sisters...but I know they will strike fear into their enemies without me. I am honouring my Mandalorian traditions, pretender. You are not.”

The Jedi Knight frowned, a look of clear disappointment evident in his eyes as Kalon spoke, a smirk proudly worn upon the Sith’s face.

“You are using my doubts over my allegiances to get me to join the light side. The Jedi do not fight battles for glory or for entertainment. They sit in rusty chairs and debate about the lives of men and women of whom they will never meet. I am at peace with my decision to join Brotherhood...if I had chosen the light side like you, then I would not be.”

Once again, the chamber was filled with a deathly silence; both Kalon’s stared each other down, seemingly not giving the other one any quarter or hint of their thoughts. This was finally broken by the Jedi Knight who sighed partially before he spoke.

“Very well, Kalon. Your choices and consequences are your own doing, and you have no one but yourself to condone for the outcome.”

With that, the Light-sider slowly disappeared, exactly in the same manner as how he had first taken physical form anyhow. When he had disappeared, Kalon reflected on how much better he felt. He could sense no more doubt or pointless rage within him; and for the first time in a very long time, he was ready to fight any foe that crossed his path, be it Jedi or Mandalorian.

1st place
A deleted dossier
The deleted member did not want their submission published.
2nd place
3rd place
Mayda Ferium
Mayda Ferium
File submission
3rd place
Legorii Arconae
File submission
4th place