Within Odan-Urr there is a great divide between those who are followers of the living side of the force and those that believe in the unifying force. However, our true personalities can't be simply explained by the one path we chose. Many of others follow multiple ideas and concepts, and they are what further shapes our characters. Like the jedi who came before us that we aspire to be like. Who is your hero?
Research and describe a canon Jedi whom you most identify with and explain why this person is important to you, what you think about them, how they have impacted your own character (both fictionally and in your own character development). Winners will be determined by the research you can present as well as the strength of your arguments for how they have impacted your character development.
1st place
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
2nd place
Putra Karno
3rd place
Knight Rangel