Kaira Rohana 10057
1) Luke used to shoot what type of rodent back on Tatoonie? Womp rats
2)How Many AT-ATs did the Empire lose (on screen) at the battle of Hoth? 4
3) What Echo Base Outpost first spotted Imperial Walkers during the battle of Hoth? Outpost Beta
4) What detention block was Leia held in on the Death Star? AA-23
5) How all survived the attack on the first Death Star? Darth Vader
6) During the Battle of Hoth, who stayed behind to fly Snowspeeders against the Imperials so transports could escape? Rogue Squadron
7) How fast could the Millennium Falcon go past lightspeed? .5 past light
8) How big was the thermal exhaust port on the first Death Star? Two Meters wide
9) Who blew up the second Death Star? Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles both attacked the main power core with proton torpedos. Which caused the big ball to go BOOM.
10) How many TIE fighters served as Vader's wingmen during the Rebel attack on the first Death Star? 2
11) What alien, whose species hails from a watery planet, designed the B wing? Admiral Ackbar
12) A member of what diminutive race finds Luke's cut-off hand and light saber? Ugnaught
13) What does TIE (as in "TIE" fighter) stand for? Twin Ion Engines.
14) What is the name of the Star Destroyer that captured Princess Leia in the opening of Star Wars? Devastator
15) Who's the only human to fight in and survive the two Death Star battles? Wedge Antilles
16) When is the only time during the SW trilogy that Han Solo uses a light saber - and in what movie? Empire stricks back he uses it to open a tauntaun to put Luke in to safe his life.
17) What last name does Princess Leia get from her adopted family? Organa
18) What was the most controversial change in the updated version of A New Hope? Greedo Shot First
19) What military leader of the Rebel Alliance was also the Senator of Chandrila? Mon Mothma
20) When is Star Wars Day? May the 4th