Competition: Jungle Madness

Jungle Madness


You're being sent to a Sith Planet to find an artifact for the House. You encounter many animals and even predatory plants. The planet you go to must either have a lot of forests or jungles. You also have to have the aid of any animal that you might run into. Describe your adventure and the companionship you and your wild companion experience together and whether or not you choose to keep it in the end or not.


Microsoft Word, Notepad, etc.


Competition Information
Organized by
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Running time
2013-09-09 until 2013-09-23 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
6 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
Lord Evio Nezsa
Lord Evio Nezsa opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
2nd place
File submission
Textual submission

attached is my submission


2nd place
3rd place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
File submission
3rd place
Quii Liang
Textual submission

house scholae palatinae,
It has been many months since Salem Creed had gone out on a mission to prove himself and his fellow house members. On one fine day Salem was walking in the halls of the Dark Brotherhood when he stumbled upon his master Xenmordin. Xenmordin finally had an assignment for his apprentice Salem Creed after so long.
With great ambition Salem was all ears to his masters instructions. There was an ancient Sith artifact on Yavin 5 that was needed for their house. Salem gladly accepted the assignment and went off to his ship, the Rogue 1 to take off on his exciting mission. At last, Salem looked out the window of the Rogue 1 to see Yavin 5, it was a lovely view Salem thought to himself, ready to land. Moments later the Rogue 1 was preparing for landing on Yavin 5, this would be a great assignment for Salem to prove his loyalty and commitment to his house. Salem prepared his equipment and lightsaber for his mission ahead. Moments later the Rogue 1 finally landed on Yavin 5, Salem preparing to step foot on the moon. The Rogue 1 main door opened and Salem stepping out onto Yavin 5, it was a jungle full of trees, vines, and unique creatures .Salem then prepared his Sith artifact locator to start locating the unique artifact. Salem's locator finally prepared, he started to head out into the deep jungle of Yavin 5. Filled with great ambition Salem walked through the trees and vines of the jungle when all of a sudden he sensed something nearby. On guard, Salem could sense something large, something not human. Salem quickly ignited his lightsaber to prepare and counter what was heading for him. It was very close, in the trees, watching Salem, trying to locate the entity when out of the trees came a medium type build, fully armored skin with three horns, two on each side of the upper part of it's head and one in the middle a bit below the two bigger horns. It looked at Salem, Salem still on guard looked back at the creature. Salem had a deep feeling that the creature however did not want to harm Salem, His feelings were mostly right, the darkside of the force was strong in sensing these sort of things. Salem went off guard putting his lightsaber away put his hand out to greet the creature. The creature put his horn ahead, Salem tapped the creatures horn as a sign of shaking hands in a mutual peace. Salem thought to himself he might need the creatures help, asking the creature through the force if it can help him find an ancient sith artifact. The creature agreed to helping Salem out, kneeling down wanting Salem to sit on it and help to break down some of the complicated trees and vines that would be a challenge to get through for Salem alone. Salem kindly thanked the creature and sat on the back of it setting forth towards the rest of the pathway to the Sith artifact. Cutting through the trees and vines of the jungle Salem was almost there, Salem was glad to bump into this creature, without it's help, Salem would not be able to make it alone. Moments later, finally the locator picked up a strong signal, it pointed to a temple which had the sith artifact in it. Salem told the creature to stay put until he returned from the temple with the artifact. Salem entered the ancient temple looking at the great carvings and designs of the temple. After a brief look at the unique designs and carvings of the temple Salem went about his mission. Entering a room with a table like stand in the middle, Salem's eyes gazed upon it. Finally, Salem found the ancient Sith artifact, he took out his bag, took the artifact, and put it in the bag leaving the temple. A few moments later Salem left the temple going back to the creature to take him back to his ship, the Rogue 1. Salem went back on the creature heading back to the ship, Salem really felt a type of connection for the creature, it helped him out so much and without it, Salem would not make it alone. Half way across the jungle back to the ship, Salem sensed something else nearby, something the same as when he sensed his creature friend, but this time it was a more negative feeling. Salem told his creature friend to stop for a moment to see what it was. Out of no where a same type of creature came out of the trees, but this one was a red colored one, with the same fully armored skin and horns on it's head. This one was not friendly, with a great roar it prepared to charge at Salem and his creature friend. Salem igniting his lightsaber preparing for attack with his creature companion ready to back him up, both were ready for battle. Salem jumped off of his fellow creatures back grabbing onto a vine swinging at the red skinned creature, Salem's creature companion charged forth to the red skinned one. Both creatures rammed into each other, both with their horns locked kept pushing at each other. Salem swung towards the red skinned creature slashing the creatures middle of it's head with his light saber. The red skinned creature felt the pain from Salem's lightsaber and moved back a bit, Salem's creature companion kept pushing forward having the upper hand again't the red skinned creature. The red skinned creature was weak, trying to regain it's strength to push back at Salem's creature friend but was unable to do so. With the final attack Salem's creature friend charged with all of it's might pushing the red skinned creature to the ground, the red skinned creature stopped moving and was finished. Salem swung back to his creature companion jumping back on it's back with thanking his creature friend for all of it's help. Finally reaching the Rogue 1 Salem got off of his creature friends back ready to go aboard his Rogue 1 and head back to the Brotherhood with his mission complete. Salem petted his creature friend thanking it once again all of it's help, telling the creature he will come back for sure and visit it soon, Salem's creature friend was happy. Heading back on his ship Salem looked back once more and waved at his friend, his creature companion made a friendly roar bidding Salem farewell. Salem then went back on his ship ready to head home, Salem made a great new friend and found the Sith artifact taking it back to his house, fulfilling his mission.

No placement
Brandon Tarsus
Textual submission

Tarsus was walking through the jungle. He was on a mission to fine an ancient Sith artifact. We was surprised that he was sent alone. He thought they will tell him that his master will be tagging along, but Tarsus was go alone. He has always hated the jungle. There were always a huge insect, or man eating plant out to get him. As Brandon walked through the forest, he heard something big moving in the bushes, but no foot stomps. As he turned around, he saw a frighten cracian thumper. Brandon lowered down a little, and slowly walked up to the creature, making sure not to frighten it even more.

"Hey, bubba. How ya doin'? I ain't goin' to hurt ya. I promise that, or I swear on my aunt Maris' fried chicken. Come on, now."

The cracian thumper slowly walked up to the tall Obelisk. Brandon smiled as he pet the very furry animal. The thumper had a saddle, so it most likely gotten lose from another party.

"Hey, now... Your kinda cute... Hahaha, you're very fuzzy."

Brandon hopped on the thumper's saddle, and was beginning to feel a bond with the large animal. Brandon pat the thumper's head and rode off to the temple. It was very hot and humid, and the thumper was suffering of it.

"Don't worry, big fella. We'll be out of here sooner or later. Trust me, I am going to get that thingymajigy they want me to get, and we'll be out of here."

Brandon was so focus on riding the thumper, he didn't realized that a rancor was near by. As the temple ruins came in view, the rancor roared as he swung his hand and knocked the Obelisk to the ground. As Brandon struggled to catch his breath, the rancor grabbed Brandon and roared in his face. The Obelisk was lucky enough to pull out his blaster, and just as the rancor was to swallow the poor man, Brandon shot 4 bolts down the throat of the rancor. The massive beast dropped Brandon, and as he fell, the thumper ran underneath him and caught Brandon with his saddle.

"Oh, fuck it! Lets go! YEAW!"

The thumper ran as fast he could through the heavy forest. The Obelisk used the Force to help clear a path back to the LZ. He held on tightly to his big furry companion, and he felt the bond grew stronger.

"You just done save my life... I'm going to keep you... I am going to call in Jiggs."

The Obelisk new he failed his mission, but he rather have his new companion safe. He'd just get back- up to help him with the artifact. It mustn't been of too high of a value, since they sent an Obelisk to go after it.

No placement