Due to the unfortunate error of one of the KoA members, the communication codes incorrectly entered lead to the enemy Jedi attacking the KoA yacht. Any hope for the KoA to successful leave the world relies on the KoA members fixing the error so they can access the enemy systems and communications to leave under the cover of night. Thankfully the datapad that was used is still intact but the initial message left by Lyze Kiel has been converted into the enemy code. Solve the message and figure out what rotation the enemy uses for their encryption.
Codebreaker task. See SA Docent Halls: Cryptography 101 for help.
Subscribe to this competition to find the initial message Lyze Kiel left, however note that it has now been converted into the enemy encryption. Solve the encryption and submit the real message back.
Most accurate and fastest codebreaker wins.
1st place
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
2nd place
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
3rd place
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr