Competition: The Ultimate Trial of Cello

The Ultimate Trial of Cello


Having completed his arduous and oft-times painful Trials, Cello felt the Force growing within him just as his studies had said it would. He had bided his time, studying, traveling to pursue leads found in seemingly meaningless or obscure texts and scrolls, but now was the time to act.

His Master, Evant Taelyan, had initially thought he might have to dispatch Cello, as he found himself defending the Krath JH to others in the Brotherhood. Some whispered, others spoke more openly, of Cello's 'lack of ambition.' Evant had sensed the fire within Cello however, and suspected that which he now knew to be true; that Cello was thorough and was learning things even he might be able to profit from as his Master.

It was with a combination of both surprise and pride then when Cello approached him and suggested there were matters of great import to discuss, and that they should be discussed far offworld. Having nothing urgent to attend to during a gap in the Dark Crusade, Cello's Master agreed. And so it was that they found themselves in a small, long abandoned facility on an asteroid just beyond the Outer Rim.

Cello had explained that this was the facility he had mentioned to him - the one that had registered on his ship's sensors during his most recent mission for his Master. There, he explained, the will of the Force became clear to him, as buried beneath the asteroid's far side was a slightly damaged Sith Holocron.

The creator of the Holocron was not evident, but he suspected who it might be. He asked his Master to confirm this, and after the appropriate rituals were performed, indeed they discovered that the Holocron's builder:

The Huntress.

"Master, as you know, I have but to create my lightsaber and thus pass the final trial," Cello said. "I believe finding this rock is the will of the Force. It was never as clear to me as it is now."

"Why do you presume to know what you feel is the true will of that which you do not fully understand?" answered his Master with a tinge of anger.

Bowing ever so slightly, Cello responded, "Forgive my impudence, my Master," and with both hands held forth a scroll which Evant took from him and read.

Shocked by what he was reading, he was not to be disturbed, until Cello sensed the time was right. "You see now, Master.... The Huntress never let Zannah know what she had seen - that through Zannah's extensive knowledge of Sith Alchemy, late in her life she discovered a way to fuse the powers of Adegan and Ilum crystals using a Kaiburr crystal, and create a semi-synthetic crystal of untold power. Or so she felt."

Evant motioned for Cello to cease, as they watched the Huntress' hologram explain in worried, hushed tones that her Master had produced an unusual weapon at her latest training, of an unusual color, and that despite her skill against Zannah in the arena increasing, Zannah nearly killed her, and easily, this latest time. Fearing for her life, she created this hastily constructed Holocron, which, combined with the scroll they now possessed, would point later Sith wise enough to find them and link the two toward an awesome find:

A previously unknown Holocron created by Zannah herself that would reveal the secret of what she called 'The Crystal Fusion.'

"You wish to wield such a weapon?" inquired Evant, knowing the answer before it came.

"I believe it is why I have lingered so long before building my saber, my Master. I was meant to find these, but as always I seek your counsel."

"Then let it begin," Evant concluded.



After finding the lost Holocron of Zannah, Evant Taelyan and his apprentice, Cello, approach you to travel through uncharted hyperspace lanes well beyond the Outer Rim to planet for which they provide no details. You deduce it has something to do with Cello's trials, and researching how they have proceeded, you conclude lightsaber construction is involved.

However, consulting with your fellow Dark Jedi, you learn that this mission is fraught with risk and peril. You expect nothing less than the full range of Sith Alchemy to be guarding whatever secrets these two seek. You also suspect that Sith Lords as wise and powerful as those likely involved would not simply give away their secrets. And yet, the idea of perhaps learning from these long gone paragons of Sith teachings is too powerful to resist.

Competition Information
Organized by
Cello, Cello, Lord Evio Nezsa
Running time
2013-09-27 until 2013-10-11 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
3 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
1st place
File submission
Textual submission

PRT Lucyeth

1st place
2nd place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
File submission
2nd place
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Textual submission

Manually added by JH Cello

No placement