The following Competition Request has been denied.
Title: ACC: Capture and Deliver
Specifics: "Well? Who do you want to send?" The Adept, Halcyon, asked. "I don't care... send them all..." Dalthid groaned. "Alright. I'm sure you'll get a few who are dying to go..." "I hope they're not 'dying'... they have to bring the stuff back here alive..." "It was a figure of sp..." "I know what it was. That was my attempt at humor." "I hope that's not what I have to look forward to." Halcyon mumbled as he left.
With the brilliant update to the Morph Hall system, comes the Centre's ability to generate more than just terrain and random NPC's. To facilitate a greater scope of opponent potential, the Centre is looking to harvest creatures for battles within its walls. Your mission is to capture a creature for this purpose.
2 max entries per person. 1 page minimum (for each) fiction in .doc or txt.
NON-WRITERS can merely submit a datalist citing specifics of the creature.
ALL entries will have a SW related species, a description of the creature (appearance, body type, size etc...) and/or a URL to where a picture may be found, if you know it.
Forth Level Crescents
Nobody has participated in this competition.