Not in order as I have chosen to move about when thinking on them.
Across the galaxy, I sweep, Death swells in my shadow, Identity deceitful, I pull all within my grasp Into my bowels. A small hole, is my demise. What am I?
The Death Star
I go up and never come down no matter how hard you wish. As I get higher, more wrinkles crawl on to the face.
What am I?
I drone on, and you go on A steed with fire If I lose my nose, you won't know up from down. Don't lose your helmet. What am I?
A speeder bike?
Atop my head, a crown I bear, Nearby my crown, two guards uphold, Life I devour, metals I dissect, When seen I am, all life trembles, If opposed I am, a thousand spears rain, When cornered I am, hornets I unleash, Yet controlled by thousands I am. What am I?
Victory class star destroyer