Competition: Five Man Band

Five Man Band

Members of the Jen Kaari battleteam will be asked to create a "5 Man Band" from members within Tarentum. This competition is meant to provide some instruction in character development for future events.

Participants should choose each member to fulfill 1 of the 5 roles with a brief explanation as to why that individual fits that role. Fictitious bonus points if they decide to incorporate other elements (such as color coded uniforms).

For reference, utilize the tvtrops page:

Competition Information
Organized by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Running time
2013-10-27 until 2013-11-04 (9 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Jen Kaari
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Textual submission

Tarentum’s Five-Man Band - "Tarentum Momentum"

The Lead Singer – Scion Altera. He has a level head and is very headstrong. He is also leading Tarentum at the moment (and doing a good job of it.)

The Lancer – Anshar Kahn. Because he deserves to be in the band, and this is the best place for him. Plus, he would look good with an electric guitar.

The Smart Guy – Jason Hunter. He can pilot a ship with ease and survived on his own at an early age. That alone shows how smart he is, right?

The Big Guy – Sith Bloodfyre. Because he has the overwhelming look as well as the demeanor, though he is not dumb in any way.

The Chick – Saronyx. Because Saronyx is a woman.

As the band walks on stage in their solid black outfits, the crowd cheers. Then there's silence as the band members find their places. The music is dark, and with each song, the music gains momentum. The final song is the darkest and most upbeat one. Then the band walks off stage, ending the show.

1st place