Competition: Fiction Event

Fiction Event

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Competition Information
Parent Competition
Organized by
Master Windos, Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, Raken, Ascendant James Lucius Entar, Master Gavriel Kadesh, Orv Dessrx, Grand Master Declan Roark, Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, Howlader Taldrya
Running time
2013-11-09 until 2013-11-23 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
58 subscribers, of which 29 have participated.
1st place
File submission
1st place
Epis Locke Sonjie
Epis Locke Sonjie opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
3rd place
Dralin Fortea
Dralin Fortea
File submission
3rd place
4th place
File submission
4th place
5th place
Verse Theris
Verse Theris
File submission
5th place
A deleted dossier
File submission
No placement
Envoy Taranae Rhode
File submission
No placement
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
File submission
No placement
Jorad Erinos
File submission
No placement
Warlord Etah Obsidyn
File submission
Textual submission

A New Sith Empire
Etah stood on the deck of the Bothan Assault Cruiser Darkest Night, starring down at the frozen rock that is Ziost. He imagined the planet dotted with forests and dense jungles like he knew it once was, long ago when the planet was the seat of the Sith Empire. The Equite felt the dark power emanating from the planet below and resolved that it must be conquered in the name of the Clan Arcona.
The Sith Equite had fought for Arcona in every iteration of the Dark Crusade. During that fighting he had felt a range of emotions, from the despair of defeat to the elation of triumph. He had grown as a Dark Jedi and maybe even as a man. He was just going about his tasks, but nothing he had ever been a part of had been as big as the Dark Crusade in terms of size or importance.
‘It was a brilliant strategy’ Etah thought to himself.
In ages past, Sith and Dark Jedi movements were controlled by a dominance hierarchy. But instead of sheer brawn, like dominance hierarchies in nature tend to favor, it was a dominance hierarchy that operated on treachery. So a Sith Master could always expect his closest students to literally stab them in the back.
But in the painfully reoccurring history of the Sith, that led to powerful Sith dying and Sith Empires being defeated internally or externally, amidst civil war. Not once had the Apprentice been truly smarter or more capable than their master, not once had the Apprentice expanded Sith holdings from what his master had before.
The Dark Jedi Brotherhood, differentiating themselves from the unsuccessful path of their Dark Jedi forbearers; created groups within the Brotherhood. To these Clans and houses, each Dark Jedi owed their allegiance and obedience. For this reason, a Master would not be stabbed in the back by their apprentice and every generation built on the generation before.
But the genius of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood design is that there was a dominance hierarchy. This dominance hierarchy was based on guile, skill, strength, treachery and wit. The competition was between the Houses and Clan. It was not individual dominance hierarchy, which was based on selfishness and greed; it was a dominance hierarchy that encourages selflessness and service, but only rewarded the Clan or House that produced the most powerful and effective Dark Jedi.
Clan Taldryan was originally the dominant Clan within the Brotherhood. Their members won competitions, served on the Dark Council and made up the majority of the elders. Eventually they became weak and the Clan Arcona ascended to dominance. Now the Dark Jedi of the Clan Arcona win competitions, serve on the Dark Council and someday will become the most numerous among the elders.
‘Why does this matter?’ Etah queried himself. ‘Because the Dark Crusade is the truest expression of this new dominance hierarchy’ he thought again, answering his question.
No longer will the Dark Jedi Brotherhood be A group of Dark Side force users. By conquering the home worlds of the ancient Sith, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood itself ascends. It becomes THE group of Dark Side force users. No longer will the Grand Master be a powerful force user, in Etah’s estimation, after conquering and holding the sacred places of the ancient Sith the Grand Master will be the Grand Master of the Dark Side.
The genius of the Dark Crusade playing out like a Vendetta is that the most powerful Unit would conquer the most planets. Meaning that after the Dark Crusade comes to a close and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood hold the worlds of ancient power, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood becomes the most powerful and dominant Dark Jedi or Sith organization in the galaxy. The most victorious unit would become the driving force behind the true Dark Force power in the galaxy.
Deimos walked across the deck of the House Qel-Dromas flag ship, his boots tap tap tapping as he approached his Master and Battle Team Leader. “Shadow Gate is assembled and prepared to depart,” the enthusiastic Dark Jedi informed his long time mentor and friend.
“Erno, Valt” Etah said, looking across the bridge to his supervisors. “Shadow Gate requests permission to head toward planet fall and conduct preauthorized operations?” the Sith Equite asked of his Quaestor and Aedile in a formal manner. Erno’s response was only a nod, but a gesture was all that Etah needed.
The Battle Team Commander turned to his Sergeant and said “Let’s get some” before winking and heading toward the fighter hanger where he would depart to the planet below with Deimos and the rest of Shadow Gate.
~ (#8075) SBM Etah d'Tana (Sith) / BTL / Battle Team Shadow Gate of House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [ACC: II]

No placement
Warlord Hades
File submission
No placement
File submission
Textual submission

Silent 3151

No placement
Purren Strost
Purren Strost opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Lynnyaria Meraudstar
File submission
Textual submission

Kanis Da'uul (#13458)

No placement
A deleted dossier
The deleted member did not want their submission published.
No placement
General Stres'tron'garmis
File submission
No placement
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
File submission
No placement
Adi Ka'Taramas
File submission
Textual submission


No placement
Shi Kensei
File submission
Textual submission

Dark Crusade, Ziost
Fiction Event

OPM Shi Long (Obelisk) / Battle Team Shadow Gate of House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [ACC: I]
SB / GC / SC-SoA / AC-ToSC / DC-GP / GN-AgL / SN-AuL / Cr:3R-7A-8S-19E-3T-7Q / CI-SC / DSS / SoF / LS-AuL / SoL-BE / S:1D-3Dk-3Rm-5P-6U-4B-8De-2Ret-2Dec-3Aff-1Rn


ARC Lambda-class Shuttle designate 1L-19
En-route to Ziost from Kalsunor

If he’d been able to take an introspective look on his life, he may have been surprised that there were no earth-shattering explosions as before, no men falling by the scores, their screams punctuating his blade’s hungry growl. There were no raw displays of power, rendering an enemy stronghold into a charnel-house, and no banners being raised to the glory of a dream, bought and sold. Even now, he might’ve found it curious that he wasn’t comfortable at home, in his bed, surrounded by family and treasured friends. Barring that, even a funeral pyre could be expected for a warrior, who lived as warriors do.

It could be argued that his life was spent marking the Dark Brotherhood’s high and low points, a living metronome pacing the growing pains of the latest iteration of the group. But, amidst the undulation of history’s tumultuous flows, the death of Tsainetomo Keibatsu registered as little more than a blip on the cosmic radar.

As was the way in the Dark Brotherhood, these sorts of things were always taken with the “big picture” in mind. Even if they didn’t understand the orders passed down from on-high, the brethren were taught to view such things from a wide-angle, especially in light of the Dark Crusade. A battle lost here could doom the success of a campaign there; a man’s singular sacrifice on one world could mean the Brotherhood’s prosperity on another. Everyone was a thread in the tapestry, a piece of the grand puzzle.

A cog in the machine.

To wit: Sai, who now lie motionless on the shuttle’s mag-lev gurney, had nearly sacrificed himself by way of explosive decompression so that the Arconan forces could take the platform high above Kalsunor. The Arconans would win that campaign, but Sai would never know why. He was not privy to the Arconan Summit’s endgame, just as they had no idea of the true scope of the Dark Council’s grand design. Secrets upon secrets upon secrets.

The key difference between them was that Sai had stopped caring about the endgame. He had for a long time, long before leaving Naga Sadow to join Arcona in a complicatedly simple quest to make himself a literal weapon unto himself, and the Clan whose Overlord had cursed him as Apostate somehow better by focusing on destroying him for his betrayals.

He didn’t care that Arcona had verily become a power unto itself, decimating both foe and cautious friend alike and eliciting the suspicious and watchful gaze of the Dark Council. He didn’t care that he’d somehow - somewhen - grown distant from his friend, Marick Arconae, as the young man replaced his friend Wuntila as Consul.

Whether it was the culmination of the countless hours of training he’d spent in an attempt to devoid himself of emotion, or the fact that he was a literal heartbeat away from expiring, he simply did not care.

Funny then, that it was emotion that had conspired to kill him.

Vengeance, to name one, from the Sadowan flight officer aboard the flagship, the Firefox-class Final Way who had surreptitiously let slip the ship’s coordinates as it approached what was rumored to be the crowning jewel in the Council’s conquests. He lost his brother to Sai’s wrath as the Primarch left a wake of destruction in his flight to Arcona, and had sworn to make the Keibatsu pay.

Love, to name another emotion, for that officer from a certain Arconan medical chief. She gave the order to divert Sai’s shuttle from the medical platform on which she was stationed to Ziost, claiming “Consular Protocol”. More importantly, she’d loved the Sadowan officer since they had been small children, and did not question the small change in code her lover implored her to upload to Sai’s shuttle’s astrogation computer with the promise of their reuniting.

These seemingly innocuous things culminated in the shuttle carrying the unconscious Sai reverting from hyperspace three scant meters below the Final Way.

They never had a chance.

Warning claxons blared within the tiny craft, and the control panel lit up like a garish peddler’s storefront. Hands flew across controls and men yelled, but it was too late. The angle of approach had taken the shuttle right into the hull, the dorsal wing shearing off on contact like so much soft wood before the plane.

The craft continued to bore into the great capital ship’s hull. Systems catastrophically failed, and bulkheads crumpled with frightening ease. Duty-bound, the pilots strove valiantly to keep the craft spaceworthy as their mate dumped Sai off of the gurney and into the craft’s only escape pod. Sealing it, the man turned and rushed towards the cockpit, hoping against hope that they could somehow still...

The pod wasn’t so much launched as it was jettisoned from the explosion of the shuttle. The Sadowans had by now ascertained that a small craft that had collided with their great flagship. They would respond quickly, dispatching the salvage droid to both assess the damage to their own hull and to recover anything from the wreckage of the shuttle that might have told them who was blind enough to miss a capital ship directly in their flight path.

All told, the entire operation would take the Sadowans nine minutes. Unfortunately for Sai, the support systems onboard the craft were irreparably destroyed, damaged from the explosion.

He would not be shot by some sublime marksman from some unfathomable distance, nor would he be felled by some blademaster’s deft stroke. He would asphyxiate while the droid collected the escape pod and brought it aboard the Final Way, unaware of his own demise.


He stood on a featureless landscape, his lightsaber clutched in a scarred and bloodied fist, facing a great shapeless mass that could only be described as a thunderhead roiling with violet lightning. The skies above were the same dull gray as the dusty ground, and no other discernable features were apparent. Sweat tracked glistening rivulets down his grime-caked brow, and his bandages and wraps had darkened in an alarming number of places, his life’s blood seeping through from opened and reopened wounds.

Though his awareness of the situation seemed sudden, the feeling that he’d been here battling for a long long time was paramount.

“Of course you have! Where else would you have been?”

The sudden response to question that hadn’t even fully formed caused him to whirl. It rang true in his ear as clearly as a bell. Even more alarming, it sounded as if it were his own.

His eyes - the eyes that had seen so much, from the crisis of the cloned Grand Masters to the taking of Antei by the Vong to the crushing of so many pretenders to the Iron Throne - were not prepared for what they next beheld.

He saw himself.

Rather, he saw what was a negative of himself. Where Sai’s skin was dark, the speaker’s was as alabaster. Where the Primarch’s hair were ebon locks, this one’s was as an ivory flame, wild and untamable atop his head, his grin of maniacal acceptance the polar opposite of Sai’s look of stark confusion. Who was this apparition?

“Oh, you know who I am.”

The figure stepped forward, familiarity gracing his every move, the smile never leaving its face. Sai suddenly thought back to Inos 42, back to Rhelg, back to Kalsunor. Recognition settled into him.

“You are the Apostate.”

The figure chuckled at Sai’s use of the word, and wagged a long, white finger.

“Come now; using ‘titles’, are we? Names? You ought to know better...and, after all I’ve done to get you past that.”

Sai heaved and nodded his assent. He did know who the speaker was. He just...Was.

Just then, a long, purplish fork of lightning lashed out from the mass before the pair. Where the speaker simply sidestepped, Sai was unable to move and took the brunt of the attack. It seared into his gut and doubled him over, pulling a wretched scream from his throat. Sai looked up questioningly at his companion, who raised an eyebrow in a painfully familiar way and cocked its head at the mass.

“Oh, that? That is, amongst other things, just the - ahem, excuse me while I get technical - the sum total of everything you’ve ever fought against. Your duty to your Clan, your own selfish desires, your perceived weaknesses, your failures...oh, don’t look so shocked! Right in there, you’ll find your guilt behind killing your wife, your longing to have your cousin see you as an equal, to make your Master give you some praise...every quest and goal and thing you felt you had to conquer is right in there. Well, all except one, of course.”

The mass spit another fork and caught Sai in the shoulder. It lanced upwards, the arcs playing savagely across the side of his face, scarring and burning it. The force of the blow knocked him bodily down, but the Primarch struggled to one knee. His arm hung limp, a useless smoking mass.

Sai’s voice was ragged, defiant. But it was a shadow of itself, no longer the baritone that was rumored to have caused grown men to soil themselves in a fit of petrified incontinence. “I...must fight it. I must fight! It’’s all I am.” The proud warrior’s head bowed. “It’s all I know how to be.” His spirit was weakening, from both the attacks upon his person and from being laid bare by his doppelganger.

The “anti-Sai” stepped close, placing a hand gently upon his injured shoulder. He spoke, and Sai noted that even as his own voice weakened, the speaker’s became stronger, bolstered by assertion.

“True, true. You are a fighter. The very best kind, too: too stupid to know when you’re beaten. But, you can’t fight all the time, and you definitely can’t fight that.”

The speaker paused while both pairs of eyes - which were the only constant between them - turned towards the living void. They swam with quicksilver, fluid and opaque as mercury, and they were filled with the churning cloud. It darkened and became more violent in its thrashing, as if responding to their looking at it. Sai’s negative image continued.

“No one can. You created that...mess...and could never hope to defeat it. Every breath you take feeds it, gives it life. But, you did do one thing right. You created Me.”

The negative looked away from the mass and into Sai. He looked into him, just as much as the thing that tormented him did.

“I can fight that thing. I can beat it. That’s why I Am, to do what you couldn’t possibly hope to do. Not as you are, anyway. Look at you. You’re beaten, bloodied, bowed. Your spirit is as nothing. You’ve wanted to be the best warrior, but do you even remember what you would war for?”

The doppelganger’s voice was as much a growl as it was a roar now. He continued, hoisting Sai up fully by his shoulders.

“That is why I Am! I am War! I am Strife! I am the culmination of all that you could not be, made to destroy all that you cannot unmake! You can’t deny this.”

He released Sai, who slumped unsteadily on his feet. There was no menace in the negative’s voice, just as there would be no challenge in Sai’s response. The double had given voice to every doubt that had plagued Sai in recent days. He was right. He’d known there’d be a consequence, an after-effect, to the things he’d done on Inos 42 to rid himself of Lord Sadow’s influence. He’d compounded things - driven the nails into his own coffin, after a fashion - by every action he committed in the name of Arcona. He just didn’t expect it to manifest with such...surety. And, he was tired. So very, very tired.

“What...must I do?”

Sai looked into his - his own - eyes. Beyond the swirling silverish void, he saw the same flame that had been stoked a lifetime ago. He knew now that it would never be extinguished. The lust for improvement that had driven him all these years and had forged him into a machine of destruction would never fade. More importantly, however, he saw a promise of peace.

Of rest.

Sai smiled. Openly. Genuinely. He looked down as the fatigue began to melt away, his many aches and pains subsiding to a whisper of sensation. The Apostate’s hand was outstretched, expectant.

“Just...let go.”

Sai hefted Nenshogeru, his custom lightsaber, the weapon that some men coveted, that most men feared, and the one he’d crafted to be his searing wind that would burn away all that stood against him.

And handed it over to the Apostate.

There was a sudden and deafening roar as the cloud rushed to envelop the Primarch. Sai offered no resistance, and he succumbed to the void noting distantly that there were no cheering crowds of Arconans welcoming him home from yet another successful campaign. There was no feast of infinite proportions with his forebears seated around a great table in a hall filled with a purifying light.

Musashi Daraku Keibatsu would not greet him as equal. Neither would his master, Shin’ichi Keibatsu, nor his cousins Manji and Shikyo Keibatsu stand vigil at his bedside, ready offer him a warrior’s honors into the afterlife.

At the end of it all, the muted clanging of the recovery droid’s coupling with the escape pod was the only herald of the passing of Tsainetomo Keibatsu.


Aboard the Final Way, a peculiar pair strode towards the hangar that the escape pod had been brought to. One, a scarred Falleen; the other, a woman who had seen many a great thing, but seemed to be looking at them with new eyes.

They wouldn’t arrive at the hangar before the med-droid would sweep the craft, noting no vital signs emanating from within. They wouldn’t walk through the hatch before that same med-droid would delete from its memory banks what would later be classified as a “false-reading” - a subtle yet defined change in the occupant’s brain waves detected after the pronouncement of death.

But, they would know that they were led here anyway. Even as the Falleen pried open the craft with the Dark Side, they both knew.

Eleven minutes after the explosion of the shuttle, the occupant inside the escape pod twitched.

And inhaled.


Darkness, now. All encompassing, ever expansive darkness.

Then, the light. A gradual coming back to the world.

“Brother.” The voice spoke in his mind as much as in his ears, and the effect was as trying to listen through a wall of standing water. “Awaken.”

Then another voice. Lilting. Seductive. Ringing with poison-laced promise. “We shouldn’t keep him. They will miss him.”

“Yes, I sense they search, even now.”

“Then, why tempt fate?” The lilt took an upward, mocking tone.

“Fret not, Apprentice; we shall ensure he is delivered back to the Arconans - as our friend here was wont of saying - in the fullness of time.”

No placement
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
File submission
Textual submission

Crusade Fiction - Ziost (General Forces)
Submitted by Brimstone
ID# 8649
The war is headed towards its final days. Plagueis is heading towards to the mysterious folklore planet of Ziost, the real home of the Sith. One Sith is using this icy planet as its main battlement for their command of Sith Space. Battles have been waged for months at other locations and now the culmination of the Brotherhood's efforts are being finalized in the total eradication of One Sith.

Plagueis has done what it can to succeed beyond the Dark Councel's dreams, destroying One Sith at numerous planets. Sith Warrior Seabr'imsto'nedansr is one of many Plaguesians who have been instrumental in the destruction of enemy forces and the triumph of the Brotherhood. Casualties from both sides have taken its toll among everyone.

Plagueis wasn't without its losses. Their Summit had disappeared into nothing. Ronovi, Arden, and Solus just vanished. Celevon stepped down to rejoin the ground forces. Arcona, the clan that caused the loss of the planet Kalsunor from the Plagueisans, inserted one of their own to assume command. Brimstone wondered if the loss to the vile Arconae is why his Summit had disappeared, because they failed the Dark Council for perfection. He admired and despised their actions that was swift and just. War was war. Plain and simple. If someone couldn't do their job, another was waiting to take their place.

Years before, Brimstone was fighting alongside of Tarentum against the Vong on Antei and not only they lost the Antei space, he lost his clan and his freedom, being captured by the Vong. Years of torture reminded him of his purpose. It was his destiny to destroy those who hurt him, hurt his family. The Brotherhood was his family. Now it was time to right the wrong. Arcona was going to go down in flames if he had his way. He would find their weakness, torture its secrets, and eradicate the clan like insects.

But something was whispering in the back of his mind. A familiar voice beckoned him from Ziost. The Sith Warrior never been to the sacred world. Yet, he felt it was his calling. The One Sith, led by false "Darth"s, were needed to be taken out. Brimstone knew one day, he would either become a Sith Lord or a di'Plagia. It was his right. His destiny.

As executive officer of Karness Muur, he received word that the leaders were trying to escape Ziost. It was his job to stop them at all costs. Dead or alive, he was going to bring them to the Dark Council and get Plagueis their rewards.

Night time touched down and the light of day slinked away from its might. As custom with Brimstone, all his squadron had temporary dyed their skin to the same shade of blue as himself. He found it helped concealed the "team sneaky" as they were affectionately called, hide and hunt at night time. They landed about half a kilometer from the main base. They were traveling by foot. The former CEDF commander knew that vehicles would alert the enemy if detected. They made their way to the outskirts and could see massive evacuation activities going forth. The team knew they had to work fast and silently if they were to succeed at their mission.

After timing the roving guards patterns of movement, they one by one made their way to the compound's outer walls. A quick flick of his blade, Brimstone cut a 2 foot by 2 foot hole, just wide enough for them to squeeze into the compound. Again, they went one at time and made their way in until all 12 were safely inside. Charges of thermite were left behind to help take out anyone that found their entrance. It was also used to create a distraction if they made it inside undetected.

Once inside the compound, they quickly, but carefully, made it into one of the hangers. Inside stood 4 shuttles, prepped for emergency evacuation. The team placed more charges hidden on each shuttle. If they couldn't capture the enemy, they sure as hell weren't leaving the atmosphere alive. Two of the team killed two guards patrolling when they walked in and were surprised. They donned their uniforms and took their positions as security. It was a plan that was working brilliantly.

They team had their objective. The command center on the north side of the compound. splitting off into groups of five each, it was a simple, but effective move of flanking the enemy. Brimstone lead one group while Arturis, the team's leader and his superior, took the other team. They knew what was at stake. Capture the "Darths" and kill the rest. They proceeded to make their way to the prize.


Inside the command center, one of the Darths of the One Sith was checking the computer screens. Detailed descriptions of their fleet and the Brotherhood's fleets were engaging one another. Evacuation routes were being coordinated.

"Lord Z'eyst, incoming transmission from Lord Krayt" interrupted a junior Sith.

"Put him through here immediately."

A hologram of Darth Krayt showed in front of him, looming over all at approximately 3 meters in height. "I take it evacuations are proceeding as scheduled?"


Both teams made their way to the command center. As they approached, they tapped into the holo feeds to see inside the control room. They needed to see how many of the enemy was inside. As they watched, Brimstone motioned for the technician to pan back towards the ongoing holo. A close up of the person in the holo made the hairs on Brimstone's neck stand on its ends.

"You!!!!" snorted the chiss.


*note excerpt from prior run-on I did 6 years earlier*

Flashback six years


Levathan walked over to the Jedi. "Are you a Jedi?" he asked.

The tuskin took off his mask and wiped his brow. "Yes I am. You two must be treasure hunters?"

"Yes we are" spoke Levathan

"Well I appreciate your help for saving my life."

"Sorry about your fellow brethren. Wish we could have helped, but we been tracking this thing for a day now."

"No worries. I could sense you nearby before that dragon arrived" spoke the tuskin Jedi. "My name is Hett. A'sharad Hett"


"That's him!" exclaimed the chiss. "He is supposed to be dead. My former master was to have killed him."

"Brim, what are you talking about?" spoke Arturis over their ear piece communication.

"One of the leaders on the holo. It is the Jedi A'sharad Hett."

"The Jedi from the Old Republic? Surely he should be dead due to Emperor Palpatine's reign."

"I met him. I fought beside the Jedi. I nearly killed him on Tattooine. He nearly killed me on my escape" said the Sith sternly. "I never forget a face."

"Then either the One Sith joined forces with the Jedi or the One Sith are the Jedi of old" spoke Arturis.

Brimstone wasn't going to wait. He ordered an immediate breach of the command center. The charges left at the wall outside the compound suddenly detonated, immediately sounding alarms throughout. Both doors on either side of the command center were blown apart inwards, sending shrapnel and debris to the unsuspecting victims. Both teams burst in, lightsabers and blasters drawn, firing and slashing at the One Sith guards. The hologram of Darth Krayt looked towards the chiss. Before it ended from a stray blast of a blaster, one word was heard from the subject's voice.


Arturis and Brimstone went straight for Darth Z'eyst. He was their prize. But Brimstone had more purpose now. He wanted information on Hett. The Sith Lord ignited both of his blades and engaged the two Plagueisans.The rest of the teams attacked the others in the center.

Back and forth. Slash and parry. Force push and pull. Kicks and punches. Slides and flips. The three were engaged into full out war. A kinetic blast hurtled the Darth through a door that had been blasted apart, with the two dark jedi leaping after him. They leapt and barely escaped the Sith's blades that were aimed for their legs. The battle continued in the corridor. In perfect sync, the Karnees Muur Leader and Sargeant both slice Z'eyst's arms off at his should sockets, immediately dropping his arms and lightsabers out of harms way. With a Force push, Brimstone slammed the Sith into the wall across the hallway. He leapt at him and grabbed his throat and started squeezing.

"Where is Hett?" screamed the Chiss as the Sith gurgled blood from his mouth and nostrils.

"Brim, release him. He's no good to us dead" yelled Arturis.

Ignoring his leader's words, he continued the torturing. "WHERE IS HETT!" he screamed louder.

The Sith spoke and he choked on his blood. "I don't know who Hett is."

Arturis pulled his second-in-command off the Sith. Then he grabbed him. "Look, either you tell us who was that in the hologram or I'll let that blue freak skin you alive and eat your intestines."

The Sith eyes widened in fear. "Lord Krayt." That was the last words he spoke as Arturis ignited his lightsaber through the bottom of Z'eyst's jaw, going through his skull.

"The leader of One Sith is Hett?" said the chiss confusingly.

"Apparently so, Brim."

"We need to alert the Council. That Jedi knows the Brotherhood as well as we do. We are in trouble now."

"No poodoo!"


Months after the battle of Ziost, the Dark Council and Brotherhood were in full fledge hunting mode for Darth Krayt and One Sith. The intel reports from all houses and clans were helpful. None more important than the intel from Ziost found by Plagueis. A Great Jedi War was fast approaching. The One Sith will fall. It is the destiny of the Brotherhood

No placement
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
File submission
No placement
Famosus Aspicio
Famosus Aspicio opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Evoroth Stigaryl
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement
Casper Vrikaurvan
Casper Vrikaurvan opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
File submission
Textual submission

Furios Morega
PIN 11513

No placement
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
File submission
No placement
Fet'ai'narun opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Cyrinity Lokar
Textual submission

I had a dream there were 3 guys one was riding too horses then the secant man came in he looked identical to the one in the carriage then the theed came up wisperd something i my ear as the man driving the cariged waved at me he taped on the set besid him as to tell me come on next thing ik no one is in site all i see is a huge wall we were heading strate 4 it i hade to push it bk but didnt no how as the too white whrses with firey mans and tail began to pic up speed so fast the carg was now flying fast heading strate for the wall i looked out to my left side to the normal eye u woodnt of sean this dragon wich was silver with green eyes then to the left i sean a finex yet agean not visable 2 the normal eye in less they chouse 2 show them selfs as the hoses keped going faster i then throw my hands fowerd as to stop them or push the wall bk but didnt work i then not nnoing y thow my right hand up into the air then moved it 4 word as to say charg then all the suden the wall began to get ferther away tell it was gone the dragon and phinx stayed with me but stay hiden as did the 2 horses next thing ik im wakeing up with my hand in the air like it was in my dream in the air yet slitly fowerd when I woke up and I was wondering what my hand was doing up in the air and started to wonder what it was all about if it was some kind of esig what it all ment I ternd my head and sean my dresser wut if it was some kind of mesig what it all ment i then sate up and looked over by the door and just sat on my bed for a few mints i slowly got up walking to my bed room door un abole to go bk too sleep i got a pen and one of my meany jernles and started wrighting doun everything i could rember about the dream befor i for got it all after i wrout doun the dream i had i then got up walked out of my bed room door and whent to the grog to get a pop so i could take my meds i grabed a moutin due walked bk in side pritty fast senc the floor was so cold as i walk bk inside too the kichen i then take my green day pill holder opend it and took my meds drinking it doun with the pop i hade just got from out in the grog i take the pop and head to my bed droo seting doun into my bed i put the covers bk over me as i got on the laptop to get on g+ to see if ceth was on so i could tell him pabout the dream i had goten up fro the dream i think it was 6:30am couldn’t sleep so waked all day its now 12:30 and i see ceth on i go and chat him up telling hm about this crazzy dream i had i also vagly rembering wakeing up throut the night and some point i started doing sing lanqug but any how after i tell ceth my mind starts to calm doun as i take a nother sip of my pop as im on my laptop Cyrinity start to talk about this up comeing battel and well i b fighting along him and the others ceth sead yes u well b fighting aloung side me and every one els he started giveing a small speach about whats to come and he exspects nothing but the best from me he him self had mor tust in me and noing Cyrinity could do it she was ready but had fears she wood let her aster doun as time went on the battel started as ceth and Cyrinity head out Cyrinity grabs her gaged edg long sord and makes shere her black and red too headed dagers were inside of the holds on her uper thys as they move on fowerd screeaming could b heard Cyrinity holds her sord clouse to her as she waches her masters bk seeing a enimy come at her she slices off his head with one ezzy swing or mor like gliding of her blade as she realizes oh she has her own saber now sh reaches 4 it as its on her side she pulls it out but as she does a nother too men come at them ceth then with out trying slices the one infront of him as well as the one by Cyrinity as her eyes widen not thinking seys thx 2 her master as she then terns on her red samber and begeans 2 fight the flocks of guys comeing at her and her master they bouth fout vegerisly and in time killed them as time whent by they killed all as did there comrads victroy was there’s Cyrinity ternd aroud as did her master Ceth bouth looked at echother as Ceth sead good work ik u could do it but Cyrinity wood

mile as she hid were one of the men cut her deep Ceth wood notic that she was hiding something as he put his saber away he moved her arm seeing the small but deep gash on her side bleeding not likr\e crazzy but it was bleeding badlyCeth wood then wood heal the woond stoping the bleeding but leavs it were it shows a scar as a reminder of her frist battal and what took plae that days and also a reminder of how well she did fighting side by side with him but fighting her own enimys.

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Legorii Arconae
Legorii Arconae opted out of publishing his submission.
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