Competition: Battle of Yasilor

Battle of Yasilor


At the edge of the Yasilor system the Knights are fighting a desperate fight against a mercenary group on Thuron's payroll. You are in your starfighter rolling and strafing between enemy ships, asteroids and debris.

Make a graphic depicting a small starfighter battle from your characters eyes. What does s/he see as s/he's sitting in that cockpit? You can even do the cockpit interior :)


Any graphics program. Check out the DjB open souce initiative


The image should be at least 500x500 px. You can draw, photomanip or do any other technique you know or can. Your imagination, effort and ideas will be graded.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
The Knights of Allusion: Missions (Season 2)
Organized by
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
Running time
2013-12-06 until 2013-12-29 (24 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Knights Of Allusis
Competition Type
Downgraded Fifth Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.