It goes without saying that an Arconan wedding would have an interesting after-party. After all, it's an..."odd" bunch of people (and trout). Make your own unique contribution to the festivities, whether it be a naked parade through the fountain, a dance on the table-top (and yes, it is an open bar event), or a very, very "special" gift.
Describe your addition to the wedding reception, whether it's a raunchy joke, a bridal speech, a freaky story, a well-placed photo-bomb, or another round of drinks! No word limits, no requirements, just get crazy in whatever medium you like, be it Paint, writing, a video, a rant, anything, so long as you're having fun. (Although, keep it PG-13, kthx).
Open to you. Docs, picture files, pdfa, videos, powerpoints, ect etc.
Third level crescents rewarded. Graphic/multimedia/fiction/whatever. Have fun.
1st place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
2nd place
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
3rd place
General Stres'tron'garmis
4th place
Lexi Sarden
5th place
A deleted dossier