Competition: A disturbance in the Force

A disturbance in the Force


You are training on New Tython in the old ruins of a Jedi Temple. You feel a disturbance in the Force. Explain what the disturbance is and what you will to about it.


.doc or .pdf, TNR, 12 pt, 250 words minimum


This is Ravenhawk's first competition. It was his idea, so participate and give him support.

Competition Information
Organized by
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
Running time
2013-12-29 until 2014-01-12 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents
9 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
Lord Evio Nezsa
Lord Evio Nezsa opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
Liam Torun-Urr
File submission
2nd place
3rd place
Zel Koo
Zel Koo
File submission
3rd place
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Textual submission

Revak Kur
Pin# 12656

A Disturbance in the Force

As I rounded the corner, the training droid was still on my tail. I leapt over a pile of rubble, turned in mid-air and used the Force to push the droid into the wall. It exploded and the air filled with the stench of burning wires. I stood up to catch my breath. To my left I felt something. It was a strange energy emanating out from one of the collapsed rooms. I lifted the fallen ceiling away from the doorway and walked inside.

It was a large room. Mostly empty, except for a strange orb floating in the center. The orb was only the size of a human head and was shrouded in a blue mist. I walked over to it. The amount of Force energy that was coming off of it was almost enough to knock me over. As I fought its force, I felt a strange sensation flow throughout my body. I reached out to grab it but when I made contact, a large burst of Force energy knocked me back across the room.

I stood up and wiped myself off. The orb that was once shrouded in a blue mist had turned red. I began to walk towards it again. This time when I approached the orb started to shake violently. Red bolts of lightning shot out of all ends. Oddly enough, I lacked fear of the orb. I reached out to place my hand on it once more, was engulfed by the mist and it raised me off the floor. I let its power tear through me and images of past Sith Lords fill my head. Then I heard the orb talk to me.

“Go, my son. You now have the power of those before you.”

The orb released me and I fell to the floor. The room was now pitch black. I crawled to the doorway and back into the corridor. Red bolts of electricity flowed through me still. I felt powerful. I felt alive. I used the Force to pile rubble back in front of the doorway. As I began to head back I thought, “no one must ever know about the orb.”

4th place
Priest Adeodatus
File submission
5th place
Knight Rangel
Textual submission

A disturbance in the Force

Hot and sweaty Rangel was as he was doing his usual morning run around, where he was station at. He had been doing a lot of physical training, he always said it was good not to just relay on the force. Keep your body in good physical shape. While his run, he passed up an old Jedi Temple. He stop and looked at all the carving and gave his respects to the Jedi that had passed on. As he left he felt a disturbance in th Force. Curious he went into the temple. It was dark in the temple. He could only see a trail of glowsticks that where laid on the floor. Caution he stayed for who knew what was beyond the darkness. After a good five minutes of walking the last glowstick was at the end of a big room. It seemed to be a library of some sort, the library had 2 floors and many books in bad shape. He walked to the middle of the room and closed his eyes he could feel 3 heart beats. "If you mean harm, I ask of you to leave this place in peace". One of the strangers came out it was a male Muun. Two female human where right along side of him. "Jedi and no weapons I must say I am not impress, you must be new to the Force. I scence you not very strong." "What do you call yourself and what is it that you are looking for?" Rangel looked at them and had his hands ready to strike with the force. The Muun when on about with saying that this Temple is where his great grandfather use to serve the Jedi Order. He was looking for his courpes to resurrect him. "I see you are not going ti let this go so my two ladies will handle you. The women had all black suit gear mandalorian like. They had utility belts having geanades and rope and more glow sticks. "Beautiful women with swords, I ask of you one last time to leave in peace." They weren't having it one of the women came at him with a straight strike, bearly missing Rangel, he hit her in the face making her fall back. The other one came from behind and pushed him. Rangel fliped around a table and forced the table to the woman on the floor. Rangel thought to himself that these women where just regular woman, no kind of combat skills, what was the meaning of this. The woman on the floor was knocked out cold. As the last one came Rangel levitated her in the air and pushed her towards a book case. She also was knocked out. "Muun what is the meaning of this". "I was going to use them for sacrifice". The Muun then pulled a lightsaber. "My name is Urth and I plan on resurrecting the Darth Plagueis from the dead but first I need certain information. It seems I have to kill you first." Rangel grabbed the utility belt and strapped it on. Rangel looked at Urth and using the Force he threw many books. As he did that Rangel came at him with full Force and struck Urth with lightning. His face went white when he felt the burn on his chest. The Muun fell and his robe caught on fire. He grabbed the Muun's lightsaber, "I am turning you in you are a nothing a thief and your are going to jail. Urth you have much to learn and you do have Force sensitivity but you must use it for the right reasons. For peace......... Rangel turned in the thieves and went on with his day.
Rangel, 13387

No placement
Corvus Corax
File submission
No placement