Competition: [HOU] Beyond Enemy Lines

[HOU] Beyond Enemy Lines


The Jedi of Odan-Urr are in a turbulent period of time; their mission in the Galaxy has expanded, and they now find themselves in need of a new commodity. Intelligence is valuable, and you, Jedi, are needed to gather it.

The Quaestor of Odan-Urr has sent you to a Brotherhood planet of your choosing; you are to infiltrate local cities or strongholds, gather data on their forces and defenses, and try to gain insight into the inner workings of their heirarchy. You can achieve these goals by researching the DJBWiki, using any Shadow Academy sources that may help, and even by slipping into their IRC Channels and poking around to figure out their inner workings and power structure.

Write your findings up and submit them to the database; whether you send them as a briefing, an essay, or a fiction depicting your character doing their research, the choice is yours. Entries will be graded based on the quality and depth of the information you provide, as well as your format, so do your homework!


Writing, freeform entry.


Fiction entries, essays, briefings, or other forms of written entry. No word minimum, entries judged based on quality/amount of information, as well as presentation quality.

Winner receives fourth-level crescents; if we can get ten submissions or more, they'll upgrade to Third. Get 'em in!

Competition Information
Organized by
Liam Torun-Urr
Running time
2014-01-03 until 2014-01-25 (23 days)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
10 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Textual submission

Planet: Sigil 2
System: Jusadih
Controlling House: Plagueis
Moons: 3
Climate: Temperate

Planet Overview:
Sigil 2 is a temperate planet that was terraformed to its current state after the Vong Incursion. It is broken into nine zones. Of those nine zones only four of them are Habitable. One is Semi-Habitable due to the unstable volcanic rock shelf covering that portion of the zone and structures often found on worlds like Mustafar, can be constructed. The planet is currently being used by House Plagueis as a central military command post.

Planetary defense is most likely strong due to the overwhelming military presence. House leaders placed Sigil 2 under Planetary Quarantine only allowing authorized vessels into the atmosphere. This is a vital planet to the House Plagueis war effort.

Possible Targets:

Plagueis Army Training Center:
Located in Zone 2. This building is surrounded by a large bunker. The PATC is the central training complex for the Plaguis Army.

The PATC barracks are located East of the facility. West of the barracks is a garage, armory and landing pad. Inside the garage is everything from AT-ST walkers to T4-B tanks with a few on stand-by incase of attack. Mostly the weapons and artillery in the garage are adequate enough for training and not to launch a full scale attack.

The facility is protected by a 20 ft high DuraSteel wall, three security towers, turret emplacements and “…tunnels below and automated defenses mean a siege of the complex would be quite protracted without the element of surprise.”

Plagueis Naval Academy:
Located in Zone 5. This facility trains the House’s fighter and capital ship pilots and crew. A large rectangular building attached to the central complex is the living quarters. Off the living quarters is a fighter training module. This module also stores the TIE flight suits and blasters. Smaller than the living quarters yet larger than the fighter training module is the garage. The garage is used to maintain the fleet as well as store spare parts, extra munitions, and other repair or maintenance equipment. Staff in the garage includes newer pilot recruits, mandatory staff, droids as well as recruits serving a disciplinary term. Located above the garage is the Command Office. Naval Command staff coordinates all activity on Sigil 2 here. It should be noted that the windows are rigged with explosives should the need arise for quick evacuation or extraction. Around the facility are two communications towers that relay messages between the base and fleet as well as with the Summit.

Defending the Academy is a concussion missile launcher, turbo laser battery and one ion cannon. The Academy also has fighter support on constant stand-by.

Plagueis Special Operations Facility:
Located in Zone 7. Located atop a high plateau and appearing as one large bunker, the PSOC is divided into five sections. Here the Special Forces troops are trained.

The North section: The barracks.

The West section: The armory.

The East section: The mess hall.

The South-East section: The practice room. This room is for training newer recruits as the more seasoned recruits prefer to train outside.

The South-West section: The shower facilities.

Defending the facility is a shield generator that produces an anti-bombardemnt shield. The surrounding terrain prevents equipment from attacking the facility and the Special Forces use guerilla tactics during combat.

Other Targets:
Fort Ash:
Located in planet’s Vongformed Jungle. It acts as the staging point for the Plagueis military. Facilities include a state-of-the-art command center, communications center, barracks, and a medical facility.

Defending the Fort is a 30 ft perimeter wall with blaster cannon encasements and a sniper tower with a backup communications system. Military force includes 80 Plagueian Troopers, 40 Heavy Troopers, 4 74-Z Speeder Bikes, 2 AT-ST Walkers, and 2 MAAT Dropships.

It should be noted that, although this is a possible target, the benefit to HOU is unknown.

1st place
Priest Adeodatus
File submission
Textual submission

This is a joint effort between Adeodatus (3412) and his student PRT Seridan. I allowed Seridan to do a large portion of the writing. I stepped in on the editing side of things.

2nd place
A deleted dossier
File submission
3rd place
Cartel Dh'than
File submission
Textual submission

This is my submission #12767

4th place