Competition: Walk a mile in my shoes.......

Walk a mile in my shoes.......


Has anyone ever told you "You have no idea what I have to go through?"

Well, it is time to do that.


Fiction. Using MS Word, Text, or any word format, even posting down below.


Everyone signed up will be randomly assigned a fellow participant. You get to be them in your fiction. You might get to be the Grand Master, or the new recruit, or the opposite sex or race.

This is to help everyone learn more about other characters in the Brotherhood.

You will get more information when after you have been assigned.

Competition Information
Organized by
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr, Montresor, Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia, Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, Zanet Xox, Lord Dacien Victae
Running time
2014-02-01 until 2014-02-28 (28 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
25 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
1st place
Aidan Kincaid
Aidan Kincaid
File submission
Textual submission

Joined the competition late and the rules were fairly confusing. Especially with the later adjusted rules (they no longer fit with the original prompt), so I tried to match with competition's purpose as best as I could.

Entry attached.

1st place
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr
File submission
Textual submission

Kaira rohana

2nd place
3rd place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
File submission
3rd place
Lord Idris Adenn
Lord Idris Adenn opted out of publishing his submission.
4th place
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Textual submission

Walk a mile in my, shoes....

Character on : Dacien Corsair

Dacien couldn't believe what he was staring at in the mirror. Brimstone's face! He felt and rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dreaming. He just had an heated argument with the chiss earlier today about lightsaber forms. The Guardian's master, Aabsdu, was on temporary leave and he had gone down to train on his own, but couldn't because the Equite was doing katas.

The hapan tried to figure out what he last heard when he left on a angered rush. After a few minutes, it came back to him. The chiss told him "just for one day I wish you were in my skin".

Was this some force power or ancient Sith sorcery the chiss knew? Dacien looked around and saw he was in his own quarters. "Did Brimstone become me? " he thought to himself.

He quickly grabbed some clothes, but realized they were his, not the chiss's. As he proceeded to leave his room, he saw someone coming down the corridor.

"Yo, Brim, there you are " replied Arturis, the commander of the new battleteam. "Have you seen Dacien? Is he in his room? "

Stammering an answer, he just bluntly stated "I'm Dacien."

The bunnyman stopped for a second, then laughed. "Well you have his clothing, but the blue skin isn't going to fool anyone. I didn't know we have a costume party coming up."

"But I am Dacien " he said again, but Arturis didn't believe him. He just slapped him on his shoulder and laughed again, leaving the Guardian by himself in the hallway.

"I have got to get this fixed " he muttered under his breath. As he made his way back to where he last saw Brimstone, the Dread Lord, Montresor, stepped out of a doorway. "Hey Brim, you have a second? "

"Um, not really. Trying to find myself...err, I mean Guardian Dacien."

"Well, make time. I need you to head with your team back to where the Predominant was destroyed and try to find answers. I'm dispatching the Harrower to you Admiral. Don't get this one destroyed too. "

"But, can't you get someone else? " Dacien/Brimstone replied.

"Look, I know alot happened, but I want answers. Get your head straight. You answer to me, not the other way around, understand? " retorted the Quaestor.

Dacien just nodded his head and accepted his fate. Monty walked off. "Now what the kriffing do I do now" he wondered. As he headed towards the hanger, he kept searching for himself. "Stang!" he muttered when it didn't happen as he made it to the shuttle where Karness Murr's team was assembled. Teylas was briefing the team when Dacien walked up. He wasn't paying any attention to the meeting till Teylas raised his voice. "Brim, you listening?

"Huh? Oh! Sorry, got alot on my mind " stammered Dacien. "I don't think I should be on this mission" he tried to tell the team leader.

"C'mon my blue friend, you are the only one with firsthand knowledge of what happened" spoke up Teylas as the others boarded the shuttle. "Look, I know it's gonna be difficult, but you need to get back in the game. Understand? "

"Ok!" was all the Guardian could say. As Teylas turned and boarded up the ramp, he knew he was in a world of hurt if he got into trouble. "How am I to command when I have no idea what happened there" he thought as he boarded up the ramp. As the shuttle lifted up, he saw out a viewport himself, Dacien, running for the shuttle.

"Hey, let's add him to the team" he yelled out.

"Brim, we got our orders. Besides, he's not part of the team. Get your head cleared chiss" ordered the team leader.

Dacien could only watch as the fake Dacien jump up and down. He could tell he was cussing up a storm. "Heck, that's what I would be doing myself" he thought. As the shuttle left the hanger to head to the Harrower, all Dacien could think about was how he was going to pull it off imitating the Sith Warrior. He didn't have his powers, knowledge, or..... "Stang it!" he thought. "I don't even have a lightsaber, they are definitely going to know something is wrong."

Less than 5 minutes passed as they landed on the Harrower and disembarked that a squad of troopers were waiting for the battle team. One of them walked up to Teylas and spoke to him privately. Then they walked over to Brimstone/Dacien. "Brim, sorry to have to say this, but we're placing you under arrest."

"What did I do? stammered Dacien.

"Orders came from the Dark Council. You are being charged with neglect of duties in the destruction of the _Predominant_. Hand over your lightsaber and go with these troops" replied the battle team leader.

Dacien looked around. Part of him was relieved he didn't have to go on this mission, but now he going to have a hard time explaining to the Dark Council he wasn't Brimstone. "Um, I seem to have left it back in my quarters" he tried to explain.

"Doesn't matter. Hope you can get legal council, but with everyone upset at the loss, I doubt anyone is going to help you" sternly, yet sarcastically, replied Teylas.

Dacien was handcuffed and led back aboard the shuttle they just arrived.

5th place
A deleted dossier
The deleted member did not want their submission published.
No placement