Competition: OFH Quickie #4 - The Interns

OFH Quickie #4 - The Interns


The old folk are getting lazier. These days, members of the Old Folks' Home can't even be motivated or moved to take on crazy, off-the-wall missions, and the OFH accounts are getting dangerously depleted.

What they need is to hire some interns to take on the grunt work for them... maybe even encourage them to get off their backsides for a bit.

The call has gone out to all members of Taldryan: The OFH wants you! (to do our work for us)


The platform for this event is any word writing program (notepad, office, wordpad, picture taken of some paper, etc).


In this event, you will be creating your very own OFH character dossier. These dossiers differ from anything canon in the DB, and you are free to deviate from your character sheet and wiki. An OFH dossier is NON-CANON--that means, it doesn't fit in with regular DB stuff. It's meant to be funny and outrageous and geared towards comedic competition submissions.

These will be judged on how "awesome" your OFHized character is and how hilarious the dossier.

The top three entries will have their character dossiers added to the OFH wiki page under "Interns", and will be utilized in future OFH-style fictions.

Competition Information
Organized by
Aidan Kincaid, Bryar Bowl Champion Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
Running time
2014-02-15 until 2014-02-21 (7 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
8 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
1st place
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith
File submission
Textual submission

Kazmir Natas

1st place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Textual submission

"If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong."

An insufferable asshole, Kenath Zoron believes he is infallible at all times. Arguments often end in violence as his stubbornness is known to have broken the peaceable nature of even the most devout monks. Because of this, he is one of the team's most capable brawlers from all the practice. As with wookiees, it is wise just to let him think he's won the argument.

- Punch magnet
- Always right

2nd place
3rd place
Aiden Dru
Aiden Dru
Textual submission

"old people have a most recognizable scent"

Aiden started out as some neighborhood kid. He used to come by and listen to old war stories told by the elders. He would sit around wasting his day joking around with the old folks, sometimes even pulling pranks and causing mischief with some of the loonier residents. After a while he grew close to the members within the home, some even thinking of him as the son they never wanted. As Aidens relationships in the home would flourish he began to help with some of the more important jobs, or so they said, like finding the lost remote when a big antiques show is scheduled to air.
Listening to the ramblings of old men

Finding small items without the use of glasses

Making elders believe they are senile

3rd place
Rian Taldrya
File submission
No placement
Lord Halcyon
Textual submission

Name: Halcyon "The Bias" Taldrya

Quote: "Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I lied"


Halcyon Taldrya has been all around the Brotherhood in just about every leadership position. After all this time, he has just wanted to sit back and relax, but each time he is pulled back into the deep end of the Dark Brotherhood. Just one more mission they say. And when the mission goes to hell, they pull in something he cares about. Halcyon does not like it when they do that and Halcyon will get his revenge. He has seen everything, and knows what it takes to bring anyone down. Get in his way and he will ensure you don't make it out alive.

* Revenge
* Leadership
* Bias

No placement
Aidan Kincaid
Textual submission

Manually added by DJM Aidan Kincaid

No placement
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Textual submission

New Enemy:

"They'll do it, for the good of Taldryan." --Yacks Cantor

Yacks "Dr. Claw" Cantor

Yacks Cantor was one of their own. Now, after a viscious betrayal of their ways, he stands between all that is good and sacred for the members of the Old Folks' Home. Fighting mercilessly against the desires to sit back and relax, and just take whatever nonsense missions they want, Yacks Cantor has gone over to the Man's side, and is actively trying to get the Old Folks to serve Taldryan in an official capacity once more.

* Being a Buzz Kill
* Catholic Guilt Trips
* Getting Taldryan Clanned

No placement