On a planet far from the Brotherhood, an entire culture foregoes sanity for a lengthy period of time. The cause? Multiple young males competing against one-another to deposit an orange ball through a elevated ring. The madness is organized into a cut-throat tournament where the losing teams are thrown to the proverbial wolves, with few members returning for the following tournament. In keeping with the Brotherhood's appreciation for death, destruction, and mayhem, all members are invited to submit their picks for which team will survive to the end, whereby all the star players will leave the tournament forever in search of further glory.
If you haven't figured it out yet, this will be a NCAA March Madness tournament. If you're unfamiliar, it's quite easy - 64 teams (well, 68 if you count the play-ins) from the US college basketball leagues play in a single-knockout tournament across multiple weekends in March and April. The 64 teams are divided into 4 regions, where they are seeded 1-16.
Points are awarded on an escalating scale for each correct answer: 1pt for first round, 2 pts for second round, 4 for third, 8 for fourth, and so on.
If you don't follow NCAA basketball, don't worry! Even the experts are wrong most of the time, so you can make your picks however you want - coin flip, alphabetical, seeds, which mascot could beat the other in a fight, etc...
Your entire bracket MUST be submitted prior to the first game on March 21, 2014 (don't worry about the play-in games, the site accounts for them without penalizing you).
The seeds are set on March 16, so you have a short window to submit, but it only takes a couple minutes and from there, just sit back and enjoy!
Invite address and password for the league is revealed once you subscribe to the competition. Create an account and enjoy!
2nd place
Ghost Edgar Drachen
3rd place
4th place
Lak Nafri
5th place
Kythar Jakan