There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. —Excerpt from the Jedi Code
The path of the Jedi is more than combat and lightsabers. It is the duty of every Jedi to seek to expand their knowledge of the living force and the universe around them.
Shadow Academy
Whoever completes the most (non-journeyman hall) Shadow Academy courses during the period of the competition wins. 1 point will be awarded for each course completed and 2 bonus points will be awarded for each degree completed during the competition period. Participants list their completed courses and degrees in the competition form and the judge verifies that the courses were completed and graded during the competition period using the participant’s dossier.
1st place
2nd place
Aticus Jade
3rd place
Mako Henymory
4th place
Ghost Edgar Drachen
5th place
A deleted dossier
5th place
Corvus Corax
5th place
Lu'aisha Gresee