Within the fictional setting of Plagueis, the Clan is a fiefdom where the individual Houses pledge allegiance to the Dread Lord (Consul). The leader of House Ajunta Pall, the Left Wing of Dread (Quaestor) is served by a right hand man... the Aedile. Aedile?! What?! Yeah, that doesn't quite fit with the thematic of Plagueis, does it?
Game of Thrones fans will be familiar with the term "Hand of the King" as a position of leadership as the King's right hand man. Ajunta Pall is in need of a similar fictional title for it's Aedile position that fits within the theme of Plagueis' naming conventions. Also remember that it can fit within the thematic of Ajunta Pall as well.
Please submit a fictional name/title for the position of Aedile in Ajunta Pall that fits with all described above, and a small blurb (no more than 200 words, preferably) about how and why it fits into Plagueis and/or Ajunta Pall.
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Zanet Xox