Competition: Vicious Devastation

Vicious Devastation


Near the end of the K'hamar'an war, five New Republic Jedi were taken captive by Sadow forces on Sepros and Tarthos. After weeks of slow 'extraction' of any valuable information, these same Jedi were deemed too pure of heart to fall to the Dark Side. Rather than execute them outright, The house and clan summits decided to allow for a little post-war sport. Releasing the Jedi in the Labyrinth Caves of Sepros, Each House outfitted each member with holotranscievers and sent them out to hunt. You are one of these members, sent as a contestant in this most dangerous game. Kill as many Jedi as you wish, and in the most creative and violent way possible, to try to turn the survivors to the dark side.

Muz Ashen Keibatsu is watching, looking to recruit the most ruthless and wicked competitor for his Black Guard. Additional prizes will be awarded to the victorious.

minimum 1-page 12 point times new roman.


Fiction; .doc or .txt files to be emailed.


Submissions will be judged on basis of creativity, 'realism', and general quality of writing.


First place award will be enrollment as Muz Ashen's Black guard as well as a Crescent with Amethyst star. Second place will be awarded a Crescent with Sapphire star, and a Crescent with Emerald star will be awarded for third place.

Competition Information
Organized by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Running time
2005-03-07 until 2005-03-27 (21 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.