Write a deep poem about life and death. Question which is better and why, or just discuss life and death in general. Tell what are your true feelings of life and death, and how you should live your life and how have your death.
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Go as deep as you can with his topic. Blow up my brains!
We all ask that question
To be or not to be
To live means facing torment and pain
To die is to escape such suffering
Yet to live can mean happiness and joy
To die can lead to eternal flame
To face life can be frightening and tough
To face death can be relieving yet deceiving
When we awake to dawn's light,
We are faced with life's plight
When we close our eyes for the last time,
We have only to await the chapter of what happens after
Tis like love, for love can be full of life and joy.
Yet, when the heart is broken,
We choose whether we let ourselves continue to live
Or to let ourselves die in misery and loneliness.
All that can be said, is to fight to live.
For although death can end pain,
One must fight for a better gain.
Focus not on your suffering.
Think of those who are a blessing.
Like a soldier who fights to live in war to see his wife again,
So must we all fight to live for those we care for.
Let the sands of time and high beings dictate your fate
Choose not death, and let life run its course.
Even if death speaks kind words,
heed them not for the lies they are
Let life whisper its promises of happiness and joy into your heart
And follow its radiant sun,
Until the night ends your journey
And the final rays of light are gone.
Then will you have finished your story,
Only for others to continue unto the end of time and glory.
The weight of this existence drags on my soul
Lost in the a torn state of being
My heart swells for the joys to be had
But my body cries out for eternal rest
Should I stay here to witness
The ongoing surprise of life
In all it’s simplistic joy
And it’s deep sorrows
My body cries for a rest
One that only death can bring
My mind tired of disappointments
Only wishes for no more thoughts
Yet the offspring fill me with pride
They keep me grounded
In the here, the now
To watch their development
The sight of them drives away
My desires for eternal rest
I will stay
For one more day
All we love is in life
But death may come
Stabbing with a knife
What we then ask
Is life just the mask of death?
Is it life that kills?
And death our savior?
Is death the misunderstood hero
That everyone feels
Is a metaphor for failure?
But as we ponder
We soon realize
That what we desire
Might be the fire of death
The blackness of the dying path
The path of which our fates converge
The undefeated force that awaits us all
All receive the same gift of death
And all must love their gift
Or forever hold their breath
So it is natural for one to love
The only thing he has left
Which is the merciful gift of death
If you don't understand the poem, Its basically saying that we love everything we have in life but in the very end, the only thing we have left is death so we should love the one thing we have and accept this as our fate instead of trying for more and more, expecting something different as our end. Its also saying that death saves us from the stupidity and shortness of life.
As one becomes older
Life takes on a different meaning
Than when when I was young.
Death is more commonplace
Time flies by
Children once small
Now are married with their own
Legacy becomes more important
Who shall care for me?
Ravages of time make one frail
But the mind can stay alive
Full of richness of a blessed life
Even after one is gone
Remembered by those left behind
The final journey is ahead
One that never ends.
Life is a Shadow of Death.
Death is light illuminating a life.
Shadows cast drawn on one's last breath.
Death-light so bright a shadow remains,
despite the body gone.
The shadow of life remains long after.
As memories, photographs, even despair.
It leads beyond and leaves behind,
Envy? Sorrow? Memories of laughter?
And yet it goes even further:
Only the real casts a shadow,
while all will fade, solar system,
the galaxy, universe too.